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Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit




Switching gears here a little bit. How common is dysautonomia in LDS, specifically temperature regulation and heat intolerance?



So that's not something that I have associated with LDS that does not mean that I haven't an occasion heard about people with LDS, who say that they're always cold or always hot or have difficulty sweating. 



But I, I, my first suspicion when I would hear about that in someone with LDS would be to consider other causes for the problem because they stay, that simply has not emerged as a recurrent or, or in any way frequent finding in Loeys-Dietz syndrome.



It should be considered that that type of issue might be aggravated by a vascular problem, especially for example a dissection. That's limiting blood flow to a part of the body. That perhaps some of the medications that are used for LDS and other vascular connective tissue disorders might in some way contribute to or aggravate the problem. 



But if somebody has true, severe, long-standing, unexplained dysautonomia my strong suspicion would be that another cause needs to be found. 



So specifically in the, in the group of disorders called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome I think you see it's much more, there it's almost a typical presentation so and and of course there is some findings that might be reminiscent of what you see in LDS like the joint problems, joint hypermobility can happen both in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome so there might be some overlapping the findings but I, I agree with Hal that it's most, it's not a typical symptom for LDS rather for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.



So, I, I think an important distinction to make though is I, I'm, I'm describing the term dysautonomia by a very rigorous definition and also responding to the question where temperature control was the major problem. Many people with many connective tissue disorders including Loeys-Dietz syndrome feel light-headed when they stand up quickly and, you know, that can also fall under the broad category of dysautonomia. 



Although I'm not, I don't believe that that's a, a really rigorous use of the term but if that's what the person asking this question is talking about then I would change my answer and say that's quite common in vascular connective tissue disorders likely related to the stretchiness of blood vessels and with issues mobilizing fluids in and out of the blood vessels and mobilizing fluids to get back to the heart. 



You know, in that circumstance things like drinking lots of fluid, using compression stockings, either adding a little more salt to the diet or using a medication that increases the kidneys retention of salt they can make a difference. 



But if this individual has been diagnosed with dysautonomia by a specialist with prominent temperature control issues I would stand by the original answer that there's likely a different cause. 



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