
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

リスクと生きる ~原因遺伝子からわかること~

Living with Risk




So then, there's another question. "What advice can you offer for sharing new diagnostic, diagnostic information with other family members who have not been tested but may be similarly affected..."



What I'll just say here is that the early period in these disorders was heralded by Dr. McKusick, who introduced the term of heritable disorders of connective tissue and here there was no genetic testing. It was all just kind of descriptions and the family history but then we entered the area of molecular diagnosis and these are two people who are giants in this field. There are others of course but I just selected these two. These two have their teams have identified the fibrillin mutation and other mutations including mutations and contractile proteins, so this is the era that we're in currently. 

遺伝性疾患に関する研究の創始者といえるのがVictor McKusick医師です。同氏は遺伝性結合組織疾患という用語を導入しました。当時、遺伝子検査というものは存在しませんでしたので、診断はもっぱら特徴についての記述と家族歴が頼りでした。その後、分子診断の時代が訪れます。この分野の大家といえるのがHal Dietz医師とDianna Milewitz医師です。もちろん他にもいらっしゃいますが、ここではお二人だけを紹介します。お二人のチームはフィブリリン遺伝子およびその他の遺伝子の変異や収縮タンパク質を同定しました。現在の研究はこの段階にあります。


And the American Heart Association has issued a scientific statement basically supporting the the idea that finding a causative gene is important because it can affect the timing of recommended surgical intervention and as well as providing a biomarker for the identification of affected family members and the Loeys-Dietz syndrome and Marfan syndrome are excellent examples of that. 



Now this is a slide that I won't spend too much time on but just to show you people who are not syndromic but yet have a family history, so this is the familial aortic aneurysm, can have a whole lot of different mutations and this is a puzzle that is everybody's working on because it's extremely a heterogeneous population. Some people have fibrillin mutations, others have others and the natural history is extremely variable. Everything from very mild to very severe. Those are, these are people with family histories, clearly a genetic problem but not syndromic in their appearance.



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