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妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~体外受精とリスク~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives




The procedure of IVF is complex, so just to sort of walk you through what this entails. First, the first the, the mother needs to have hormonal medications to induce ovulation and then eggs are retrieved and then semen is also gotten and then we make the embryo in a dish and again embryo grows for five to six days and then a biopsy can be done. These have to be frozen while the process of genetic testing is being done and then an unaffected embryo can be put either into the mother again or into another person to carry the pregnancy.




Another thing just to think about is there are some small risks when you do in vitro fertilization that we think, you know, this is not the, the, the place where usually the early embryo is developing and is there some effects in that and, you know, we're not really able to parcel out with this in the studies that have been done: if this is inherent to an IVF pregnancy or is there a lot of people that have done IVF are doing it because of infertility reasons or is there something with that, that makes these pregnancies slightly increase risk for structural abnormalities, especially cardiac. There could be a slightly increased risk of imprinting disorders, which are a type of genetic disorders, and then there's a slight increased risk for adult onset chronic diseases like metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease but a majority of these kids are really healthy. 




And then just talking about how do you view this process if you have one of these conditions. There's not really a lot of data or literature out there. There is one case report in the literature about someone having an aortic event while they were going through the process of the IVF and that was a person who had vascular EDS but we think that overall like you can't really make decisions based on just a case report and we really need to be collecting more information to understand the risks, if there is risk of any, people who want to become pregnant if they have a condition to like if there's risk for them going through this process. 




The risks of complications from IVF can be decreased if somebody loses in addition to the hormones to stimulate ovulation and estrogen blocker or a gonadotropin-releasing hormone blocker. The, the downside to this is you'll not have as many eggs to retrieve but we think maybe that, that's a safer process. The second thing is if somebody that has this condition is then wanting to carry the baby one embryo should be implanted, not two or three just to try to ensure as best as possible that it is one baby instead of becoming two. It's not foolproof but that's what our goals are trying to do. 




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