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ロイス・ディーツ症候群における婦人科疾患 〜月経のしくみ〜

Women's Health: Beyond Family Planning




Hi, everybody. I'm Kristen Madison and as Melissa had mentioned I really like talking about abnormal uterine bleeding and heavy menses but to talk about abnormal periods I think we first should talk about what normal menstrual bleeding is and how it works.




One thing I did just realize is I think I made it really challenging for Stacy because I rely very heavily on slide animation when I'm explaining complicated topics, so Stacy, I think I'll just say the word next when you need to click the button so we can move through the animation but I'm sorry about that as we're doing this but it’s, it it's the best way to get through some of these topics especially when we go to talk about the different steps of the menstrual cycle.




So talking about mechanisms of menstrual flow a normal menstrual cycle is coordinated, synchronous bleeding and cessation of bleeding and it requires a highly regulated sequence of molecular, cellular, and vascular events and for a regular period, a normal period you have to have a normal uterine lining and cavity and a very specific exposure and timed exposure of the uterine lining to hormones and the two main hormones are estrogen and progesterone, next slide please.




So let's walk through how we get there in terms of getting the hormones to the uterus that are going to tell the the bleeding to start and stop and it actually starts here with the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, so the hypothalamus is a small cone shaped region of the brain that contains a control center for many functions of the nervous system and endocrine or hormone system. In terms of the menstrual cycle it sends pulses of a hormone, gonadotropin releasing hormone, to the front of the pituitary gland. You may hear the term hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and that means the coordinated interaction between the hypothalamus and the pituitary. 




The pituitary sits just below the hypothalamus. This master gland releases hormones into the bloodstream that regulate all of the other endocrine glands so it regulates the thyroid, the adrenal glands and the ovaries and responses to the pulses of hormones from the hypothalamus. The pituitary secretes a hormone that acts on the ovary, so you have the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the ovary working together and it's the interaction of these three structures that essentially coordinate the sequence of events that leads to a normal period, next slide please.




You have two ovaries and the main function are to produce eggs and female hormones. You have cyclic production of eggs and related hormone production regulates the growth and the shedding of lining of the uterus.




And then you have the uterus, which is a pear-shaped muscular organ that functions to support a fertilized egg in pregnancy and the lining of the uterus, the endometrium, responds to the cyclically released ovarian hormones, so you have the hypothalamus, the pituitary, the ovaries, and the uterus, next slide please.




So this hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian interaction controls ovulation and then ovary hormone production and then the lining of the uterus responds to the hormones from the ovaries, so when I'm talking to patients about abnormal uterus bleeding basically tell them that the lining of the uterus only does what the ovaries tell it to do and ovaries do what the brain tells it to do, so the, the uterus and the lining of the uterus are only reacting to the hormones that are produced by the ovaries, next slide please.




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