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Women's Health: Beyond Family Planning





Robin says, “In the figure I think I saw that menopause can impact allergies. Can you elaborate?” Is there a link to worsening allergies in folks with LDS with menopause or perimenopause?





Yeah, it's really interesting. The, the kind of lack of estrogen, so the, the, the ovary makes estrogen and progesterone both but the lack of estrogen can lead to changes in pretty much every system of the body, so, you know, the, the most, the most common symptoms again are going to be those like vasomotor symptoms and issues with sleep that come from the vasomotor symptoms but patients definitely can notice changes in skin changes, in hair changes, in voice, you know, changes with, with allergies as well. I, I can't say that I understand the pathophysiology of it, of it very well. The only thing that I can say for sure is that if you're considering if you're a candidate for hormone therapy and you're considering hormone therapy I tell my patients the only the things that I can tell you for sure that that will help with is the vasomotor symptoms and the things that are related to that. You may notice a difference in things like allergies if you go on hormone replacement but that’s, you know, that's not been, been proven, that's not been shown, so when it comes to a lot of those symptoms I think really the strategy should be to try and treat the symptom, right? We're not, I'm not treating a hormone level. I'm treating a patient and I'm treating that patient's symptoms, so if, if you're having more challenges with allergies, you know, you may need to consider some therapies to help with allergies. If you're having headaches related to the perimenopausal transition then then sometimes we need to just focus on the symptom, you know, knowing where it comes from is really it may be helpful but at the end of the day just really taking care of the symptoms that are bothering you is, is an important thing to do.




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