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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術 ~大動脈解離の合併症~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)



So when someone has an aortic dissection you can come back if you were looking away.



When someone has an aortic dissection the complications are rupture of the aorta. Exsanguination means bleeding out.



Pericardial effusion. You saw that dark bloody fluid in the space around the heart that can actually suffocate the heart and cause it to fail if it doesn't get drained and treated fast enough.



Aortic valve regurgitation. You saw also in that video where the valve was sort of there was a bunch of blood clot kind of behind it inside those layers where they started to come apart. If the valve is pulled away from the wall of the aorta it will leak and if it leaks really badly it can cause a patient to develop heart failure.



And then the other cause of death is when the dissection extends downstream and shears off the branch vessels that supply any of the important organs in your body, so it can cut off the blood flow to the heart by cutting off the coronary arteries, the blood flow to the brain in the aortic arch or the blood flow to other vital organs like the intestines and or potentially put limbs at risk.



And so it's important that if you're having some of those kinds of sequelae of this, of this dissection that it get treated even sooner so that's why we try to fix aneurysm. We try to fix them before they dissect.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術 ~大動脈解離手術~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




What does this operation look like? Well, we sew right to the inside of the heart so we're not counting on any of that aortic tissue down in the root that's been damaged. To maintain any of this the strength just to help support the valve itself that we put inside the graft. And it looks like this where you can see the graft goes down all the way down to the inside and sewn to the muscle on the inside of the heart.



Why do we do these operations? Well, we do these operations because we want to avoid this problem, acute aortic syndromes and aortic dissection. You see the picture on the left the arrow points to a really big tear in the aorta. The image on the right so some clot that's developed on the inside of the aortic walls.



I'm about to show a brief video of what it looks like when we open someone's chest when aortic dissection. If you're uncomfortable with this, please look away. I'll tell you when it's safe to look again.



So here we are we're opening, the chest is open, we're opening the sack around the heart. You see all that out bloody fluid in there. We've cooled this patient and we're taking this aorta out. You can see we've taken out that portion of the aorta that was dissected. You can see it huge really nasty looking rip. It's amazing that people make it to the hospital when this happens because it's really starting to fall apart.



And here we can inspect this valve and a lot of times if the patient's stable enough and in the experience center we can save that valve. We try to do that in patients with connective tissue disorder but sometimes the tissues are just too damaged and the better and safer thing to do is just replace that root and replace that valve with one of those mechanical or biologic valve options and you can see in this patient the annulus wasn't large, the opening of the heart was big.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術 ~自己弁温存大動脈基部手術後の転帰~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




How do we do with these operations?



Well, survival after David's root replacement procedure and connective tissue disorder is very good. 96 percent five years, 94 percent in eight years and this experience we published quite a few years ago. Now we've got at least twice as many patients with connective tissue disorder in their in our series. There's been no operative deaths and only one stroke and and that was a relatively minor stroke. The patient recovered well.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。


結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術について ~大動脈基部手術のタイプ~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




So what do we do when we find a patient has an aortic root aneurysm? Well, there's kind of four commonly, more commonly performed operations that I'm going to discuss here. A fifth one would be a Ross procedure but we typically don't use those procedures in patients with connective tissue disorder because we worry about the integrity of that, that pulmonary artery that gets transferred but typically what we do is replace the aortic root.



A mechanical composite valve graft is where the a fabric graft and a valve are combined and sewn into the heart, the coronary artery is connected and the whole root and ascending aorta replaced. That can also be done with a combination of a biologic valve like a cow valve inside of a graft. A homograft or an allograft is a human aorta, a human cadaver aorta.



In the 90s we replaced a lot of aortas and aorta roots that way thinking they might last longer because they come from a human but in the end they ended up wearing out, kind of at the same pace as like a bovine or a porcine aorta or valve do and it's because it's not alive. It's more like a canned piece of leather. It's going to wear out with the wear and tear of time.



And then the our, kind of favorite I suppose or, or preferred operation for someone with connective tissue disorder if they're a good candidate for it and if the team has experience with it is what we call a valve preserving root replacement. Usually there's a couple different techniques. I think the generic term is about preserving root replacement.



As a way to think about it you can see the picture in the corner. The patient's native valve is reimplanted into that graft. That's typically referred to as a David's procedure or a re-implantation procedure. There's a lot of different ways to do that but there's subtle differences you don't have to worry about. It's more something a technical thing for surgeons how they differentiate, different ways they sew it in.



There is a couple of different ways to do a valve preserving root where they don't re-implant it they do a, a remodeling procedure but newer data shows that if that's done with a ring to support it you get the same kind of benefits as a reimplantation procedure but that's a little less common.



Either way valve preserving roots a great way to take care of it in patients with connective tissue disorders because as I show in this little video on the right where the valve is inside this aorta. This is a living valve. You can see that the valve is not just the moving parts, it's not just the cusps, it's not just those leaflets that open and close, it's the whole structure of the aortic root that allows that valve to work well.



You can see in that video. Here this is where blood is leaving the heart that the opening of the heart, we call the left ventricular outflow tract, expands with each ejection of the heart and it's a very dynamic structure and the valve sparing root helps to maintain some of that function.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術について ~治療法を決定するもの~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




But I want the audience to understand especially those of you who may have some fear about all this. The more sometimes the more you learn it's kind of scarier to know what's going on especially if a diagnosis of a connective tissue disorder is new.



What I want, I want you to hear me when I tell you that you are not just a genetic code, you are an individual. Every person should have their treatment plan tailored to the specifics of who they are, not just the details of what's going on with your aorta but the details of who you are as a person. You're not just, you know, your age, where you come from, the other conditions that you have, you might have other medical problems, your own specific family history.



And then when you're choosing treatment you need to look at the the team that's taking care of you the same way. So when we make treatment decisions about risks and benefits we tailor it based on all of these things, the details of the aortic disease, details of all the other issues with the patient and their situation and our own experience about what we can and can't do and I think that's critical to understand.



I just saw a gentleman today who's in his 60s before he was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome and doesn't have any of the outward features but a really astute clinician sort of noticed a couple of subtle things in him after he had his aortic dissection and interestingly he was shown to have Marfan syndrome based on the fibrillinopathy that was found on his genetic testing. Everybody's different. I've got patients in their 70s, who have completely different stories about how their genetic predisposition has affected them and their family and each individual and family might have different ways that they present.



That's why the studies that show us things about mice don't always translate into treatments for humans because we're much more complex and again we're not just our genetic codes but we got to respect that information and we got to take it into consideration when making decisions about what we do in our life and the way we treat things.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術について ~大動脈各部の発生学上の違い~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




Well, why is it that the aortic root is involved when in patients with connective tissue disorder? Honestly I don't know, I don't know exactly why but because of what I was just talking about, about the stress, the physical stress on the walls and now that sort of exposes a genetic vulnerability.



It's not surprising that it's the root that's most involved because it's the part that's closest to the heart that's exposed to the greatest forces. Again 100,000 times away a day that aortic root is taking a beating.



Why we see some differentiation in sometimes where there's a root aneurysm and then the rest of the aorta looks okay.



It may be also related to the fact that the different parts of the aorta come from different embryologic origin. So at their very base they are different kinds of cells, they are different kinds of tissues that develop over time.



We're studying some of that in my lab these regional differences and others have done this as well.



You can see in the cartoon on the right that the yellow cells down at the base of the heart where the aortic root sits come from one portion of the embryologic development, the second heart field, whereas the ascending aortic and arch come from what we call cardiac neural crest cells.

右側の絵にあるように、大動脈基部付近は黄色になっていますが、この部分は、発生学上Second Heart Fieldと呼ばれる細胞から、そして上行大動脈や大動脈弓は、Cardiac Neural Crestと呼ばれる細胞から発達しました。


So, for example, patients with bicuspid valves often have an aneurysm that just involves that first portion and then that will be totally normal in the next segment where the descending aorta comes from peraxial mesoderm and these aren't hard boundaries. They're sort of a blend of how these different cells become these portions of the aorta.

例えば、二尖弁の患者さんでは、大動脈基部に動脈瘤ができることが多く、Peraxial Mesodermと呼ばれる細胞から発達した下行大動脈はまったく正常です。はっきりとした境界があるわけではなく、種類の異なる細胞が混ざって各部位を形成しています。


But I'm sure that those embryological origins have something to do with the fact that we see some regional difference. It’s because from the very beginning those portions of the aorta are a little bit different.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。

結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術について ~関連遺伝子~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




So we know that thoracic aortic disease is commonly familial. You everyone in this audience, I'm sure, knows a lot about Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, Ehlers-Danlos and other symptoms like Turner syndrome.



There's other genetically triggered associations, associated with some of these other genes and then there's several what we call variance of unknown significance, so as we're learning more and more about the genetic basis of this we call variants of unknown significant, something where we see one of the genes may look abnormal but we don't call it a cause until we can really correlate that abnormality with some breakdown in those processes I just described in those last couple of slides.



And we have a lot of work to do so the work of The Marfan Foundation is fantastic and awesome and, you know, we need help to continue to learn more.

我々がすべきことは山のようにありますので、The Marfan Foundationの活動は称賛に値するものです。より多くのことを継続して解明していくにあたり、我々には助けが必要です。


I remember just about a dozen years ago when we would do a genetic screen we could barely get it paid for by insurance and maybe we'd screen for a half a dozen genes. Now those genetic panels are almost consistently paid for. We've got these wonderful clinical geneticists that work with us that help to make sure that those things are taken care of.



And depending on the panel there's a few different companies that run these aorta panels. It's about 25 genes that we're able to screen for. That's awesome compared to what we did just a decade or so ago but we think because we can see in families where these problems occur we think that we're only sort of touching on about 20 percent of it right now. There may be as many as 70, 80, or 100 different genetically associated triggers, so we have a lot more to learn and a long way to go but we'll get there.



Because of this revolution of knowledge about how all these different components interact inside our aortas and our blood vessel walls we have lots of targets for potential treatment so the more we understand what's happening the more we can develop ways to slow it down. Those new therapies are on the horizon and we continue to move forward.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。