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結合組織疾患の大動脈基部手術について ~大動脈各部の発生学上の違い~

Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




Well, why is it that the aortic root is involved when in patients with connective tissue disorder? Honestly I don't know, I don't know exactly why but because of what I was just talking about, about the stress, the physical stress on the walls and now that sort of exposes a genetic vulnerability.



It's not surprising that it's the root that's most involved because it's the part that's closest to the heart that's exposed to the greatest forces. Again 100,000 times away a day that aortic root is taking a beating.



Why we see some differentiation in sometimes where there's a root aneurysm and then the rest of the aorta looks okay.



It may be also related to the fact that the different parts of the aorta come from different embryologic origin. So at their very base they are different kinds of cells, they are different kinds of tissues that develop over time.



We're studying some of that in my lab these regional differences and others have done this as well.



You can see in the cartoon on the right that the yellow cells down at the base of the heart where the aortic root sits come from one portion of the embryologic development, the second heart field, whereas the ascending aortic and arch come from what we call cardiac neural crest cells.

右側の絵にあるように、大動脈基部付近は黄色になっていますが、この部分は、発生学上Second Heart Fieldと呼ばれる細胞から、そして上行大動脈や大動脈弓は、Cardiac Neural Crestと呼ばれる細胞から発達しました。


So, for example, patients with bicuspid valves often have an aneurysm that just involves that first portion and then that will be totally normal in the next segment where the descending aorta comes from peraxial mesoderm and these aren't hard boundaries. They're sort of a blend of how these different cells become these portions of the aorta.

例えば、二尖弁の患者さんでは、大動脈基部に動脈瘤ができることが多く、Peraxial Mesodermと呼ばれる細胞から発達した下行大動脈はまったく正常です。はっきりとした境界があるわけではなく、種類の異なる細胞が混ざって各部位を形成しています。


But I'm sure that those embryological origins have something to do with the fact that we see some regional difference. It’s because from the very beginning those portions of the aorta are a little bit different.



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