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マルファン症候群の基礎知識 ~改訂ゲント基準~

Marfan 101 9/12/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)




The revised Ghent criteria are the method by which we make a clinical diagnosis of Marfan syndrome and really what has become of these criteria is that aortic dilation or enlargement of the aorta, is a key feature to making the diagnosis.



In the absence of any effective family members, in aortic dilation in the presence of ectopia lentis,which is a dislocated lens, in the presence of a Fibrilline-1 mutation, or in the presence of multiple systemic findings, so greater than seven, according to this criteria list, can make a clinical diagnosis of Marfan syndrome.



So again, aortic dilation in all these is key; a aortic dilation or enlargement with one any one of these findings makes the clinical diagnosis.



In the presence of a family history, ectopia lentis alone, systemic findings more than 7, or a aortic enlargement is also important. So, in the absence of a family issue you need to have a aortic dilation. In the presence of a family history, any of these findings is acceptable.



And again the revised Ghent criteria were published by Dr. Bart Loyes in 2010 and actually made the diagnosis, I believe, from a clinical standpoint a bit easier to make than was previously the case.

改訂ゲント基準は、2010年にBart Loyes医師により発表されたものです。私個人としては、実際に臨床観点での診断が多少しやすくなったと感じています。




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