
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


When should aggressive eye treatment be considered?


As a young baby, the eyes may be totally normal and you just don't see it often. There is absolutely nothing wrong under a child, maybe, five years old when they start to sit on top of the television and the rest of the family gets annoyed. So you see something is wrong with their vision if they hold objects very closely, if the eyes deviate in or out, if one eye is larger than the other is also sign to go in, but for the majority of patients with Marfan syndrome, everything appears normal for a long time with regard to the eyes, so, you know, there is really no urge to run in and that's why you have these early years of basically normal visual development in patients with Marfan syndrome.



So when the problems developed slowly, you have children who have developed good vision and who have experienced good vision and you have a time that is there for you to recover that good vision by using optic corrections and figure out what's going on right and correct for it. And in all probability, the vision will come back and the visual prognosis will be good for patients with Marfan syndrome.



This is very much in contrast to children with ever congenital cataract, so if you have a congenital opacity in your eye, you ought to go in relatively early because the normal visual development is not guaranteed, so you start out with children who see, you know, maybe nothing. Their visual development doesn't happen because there's maturation between when you start to see, it has to go into the brain and it matures and you learn to see whereas Marfan children all have learned to see and usually in both sides, so you have in many ways an easier situation to deal with the optical problems that you encounter in Marfan syndrome.



There's a lot of variability in this disease: the majority of children don't have problems under their five or six, then the children, you know, get to the age where they want to drive a car, they become teenagers and their vision maybe 20/40, 20/60, not quite as good as siblings, and the family gets concerned and I think that's really the time when you need to just be even more aggressive in time to correct the visual acuity, but it can usually all be done intended.



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