Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions
Now I was initially charged to talk about eye issues in Marfan syndrome. Later on, Eileen told me that "Could you talk about the stickler syndrome?" I said, "Sure." I have fair number of patients with this stickler syndrome as well. So since they share many commonalities, so I will put those together.
I start up with Marfan eye and since this is, as I said, that they share many common things.
So here's a statement I have. "Marfan patients could sustain all eye diseases as in general population, but specifically" for Marfan patient's, I broke that down to major problems and the minor problems. I don't want to downplay the minor problems so since some patients will think this is a major problem for them but what I mean major problems and minor problems is some diseases, some conditions can be blinding and they can be visually very significant. Some problems can be easily fixed by ophthalmologist.
So the major problems include four conditions. Dislocated lenses, I would just use the terminology, "Ectopia Lentis." I think this is a very familiar with everyone in this forum. That prevalence can be as high as 60%. Some reports say even 70, even higher than 70% in Marfan population.
Cataract is another major problem. You may say, "What is it a big deal,cataract?" It is not a big deal. I am a cataract surgeon. I tell my patients, oftentime I get asked, "Why do I get a cataract?" I tell my patients, "Everyone gets cataract. You live long enough, you get a visually significant cataract." We take care of those patients easily.
The challenge part is for Marfan population is that you get a cataract much earlier can be as earlier as 10, 20 years even 30 years earlier than the general population. We'd talk about this in detail just a little bit.
The third side, a third issue is retinal detachment. I would say 10% is a little bit underestimate. Depending upon what study you're looking at, but it is a major problem.
Glaucoma can be as high as a 30%. This may be even a little bit underestimate at number or simply because glaucoma can be difficult to detect.
So those are the major problems.
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