
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群における眼科的管理の考察 〜トピックの紹介〜

Insights on Ocular Management for Marfan Syndrome




My plan is to go over the conditions and it's about 25 minutes or so. I hope I've have enough time, plenty time to answer some questions that you may have, so this is the list of the questions from another webinar I just put on not long ago to this community specifically to the lens dislocation and you're welcome to give a read but I want to just to have you, have some ideas. Many people have those questions and when I talked about the Marfan eyes those questions may come up and some questions may be answered, so just so, you know, that many patients have main focus on the lens dislocation.




But there's so many other conditions related to the Marfan condition, so lens dislocation is only one of them. I do want to remind everyone here that is that as an ophthalmologist I am, my subspecialty is glaucoma. I do a fair amount of comprehensive care as well. We do, I want you remember that you’re, you're not exceptional in the sense that you can get a whole host of the eye conditions just like a general population but certain conditions are a little bit more prevalent in Marfan population than general population, so you kind of have to be advocate for yourself. You can get, you know, inflammation, you can get infection just like a general population but remember the those conditions somewhat specific to Marfan patients. Not every eye doctor is aware of this, so you kind of have to be your own advocate.




I divided those conditions into two major categories. One is major problems meaning that some conditions can be acute, can be irreversible, can be sight-threatening. Some, I don't want to, you know, tribalize minor problems but they are not as acute as the major problems. Some can be reversible but if you don't treat those conditions that can lead to irreversible blindness as well, so those two conditions, those two categories I would go over each one of them.




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