
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群における眼科的管理の考察 〜水晶体偏位〜

Insights on Ocular Management for Marfan Syndrome




What are the Marfan conditions, ocular conditions, so this is a cartoon basically showing the diagram of the schematic of the eye. This is only the front part and if you will and I don't know if you I hope you can see my cursor, so this, if you make a round circle this is the entire eyeball. This one gives you some view that how the, what the anatomy is. The light green or dark green. This is just the lens in a different condition. This is relaxed the condition. This is accommodation meaning that I can move my eye from the distance target to near very quickly without needing reading glasses. Those are the young eyes. The reason you can do this is because the shape of the lens can change pretty easily dictated by those fibers. Those fibers are called zonular fibers and those are almost like a ligament suspending the lens to the eye wall and specifically to the this muscle in the orange color. The muscle can relax, contract therefore and changes the shape, relaxation or contraction of the lens and in turn change this the, the shape of the lens.




So it's very intricate connection between the muscle, between the fiber, between the lens, so the fibers have to be really sturdy and has to be really flexible, has to function well and those fibers, zonular fibers they are mainly composed with fibrillin 1, which is encoded by FBN1. Now, you know, those Marfan patients you can get a mutation in FBN1 therefore the zonulars are not stable. If they're not stable the lens can get dislocated and that's called the ectopia lentis.




So this is a schematic view. This is the the real picture of one of my patients. This is actually it's not a Marfan but I think is somewhat telling I want you to get the point. This is one eye. You can see the black hole that is when you dilated the pupil that you can, you don't see anything because the lens is clear and the lens, zonular fibers are behind the orange color which is, is depicting the iris, so you really don't see anything. It's lens is in the perfect position. This one the other eye. You can see those fiber covered with material this is caused by another connective tissue disease and showing those zonulars. They're just not stable. They are not functioning well, therefore the lens is dislocated, so it's a pretty easy to appreciate dislocated lens.




That is another patient. This is a patient of mine with the true Marfan syndrome both eyes. This is one eye. You can see this the lens is clear here but there is a crescent shape right between the pupil margin and the lens and you can tell the lens is dislocated. It's dislocated superiorly move meaning the lens is moved upward. You don't even see those zonules unlike the previous slide. Previous patient zonules are still there just covered with a different material and it's not stable. Those zonules are gone, so that's why the lens is dislocated superiorly and this is are even more obvious and you can see that the lens actually bisecting the pupil. You can imagine the light will go through the light, lens will go through this the portion that without focusing lens and you're really confused when the images form on the back part of the eye.




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