Insights on Ocular Management for Marfan Syndrome
We get into that a little bit more, so this is the real patient and they do have another condition not, other than dislocated lens. You can get this called a presenile cataract. Cataract is, I typically tell my patients, that cataract is not even a disease. It's just a condition related to the aging process. Everyone gets a cataract. You live long enough, you need a cataract surgery. Typical patients they presented to, to me with a visually significant cataract is in their late 60s, early 70s. Some patients wait until 80s they're functioning well but that's a typical age. Marfan patients’ cataract can occur even 10, 20 years prior to the general populations, not that common, I see some patients in their late 50s and even early 50s. They get visually significant cataract that we have to do the cataract surgery.
How do we do the cataract surgery? This is a cartoon showing how we do the cataract surgery. We make incision in the clear cornea, which doesn't have a blood vessels whatsoever, so you put up the probe inside the eye. You're not going to cause any bleeding and here shows the lens again suspended by those ligaments, those zonules and you, the lens is, is kind of oval shape and you wrap around by this layer called the capsule. You generally make an opening in the anterior portion of the capsule and you put a probe into this cloudy lens, you break it down, you emulsify it, you suck it out. At the same time when it's gone, you leave the capsule behind and the capsule is still suspended by, by the zonules, so you put artificial lens through this the same incision, the lens can be folded into the injector. This is artificial lens. We call it the IOL, intra-ocular lens. You put into the capsular bag, done. 5, 10 minutes, you know, on average your procedure is done, patient is awake and it's just nice surgery.
This is the normal way to do the surgery but guess what? If you need to put, take something out the lens is, the physiological location is behind the pupil, okay? It's called a posterior chamber. That's the normal location of the lens. You take something out, take the diseased tissue out, put a normal or healthy tissue or artificial tissue inside eye. You want to put it into the physiological position, in that case, is in the posterior chamber behind the, behind the pupil. That's the normal way to do this. If you want to do this you really need to have this healthy zonules. They will have to suspend the lens in the, in the position and that is a problem for Marfan patients. You don't have a strong sturdy zonules. The whole bag can be lost during the surgery. That is the challenging of aspect of cataract surgery.
When you cannot do that you still want to put the lens, the artificial lens in the physiological position. You can suture the lens, still put it behind the pupil. You make a sclera flap and you put a lens there. You use the suture to secure the lens into the eyewall because you don't have the zonules to support the lens and then when you do this you need to suture the lens into the sclera wall. Guess what? Sclera is filled with the connective tissue and Marfan disease falls in the connective tissue disease category and sometimes the sclera is just not sturdy enough.
I want to bring this up because I've been asked quite often, you know, through just online chat, people ask the question that they hear this pretty fancy word: the Yamane procedure. It is actually it's a cool procedure but again you still need to use a sclera wall to secure the artificial lens if you want to put the lens into posterior chamber. It's just a different technique. We call the sutureless cataract surgery. You really don't need to put the suture at all. You put the lens in the position, you use a cautery to cinch the, the the end of the lens and you bury it and you're done with it and this is something is fairly new. We've been doing this more and more but again you're relying on the stability of the sclera wall, which is part of the connective tissue.
Sometimes you just cannot do this safely. You just have to put the lens in the different position. You can put the lens in the anterior chamber. Now you look at eye en face directly looking at someone's eyes. Now you're seeing the lens right. That's called iris claw and you really claw the the artificial lens into the iris and that's another way to do it.
Another way to do is put an anterior chamber lens. The lens is designed in the shape and that would stay on, on the surface of the iris. You're literally using the iris to support the artificial lens. Pros and cons and many aspect you need to take into consideration, so that's dislocated lens and the presenile cataract formation.
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