Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions
Now on to a cataract. This is a typical age-related cataract, as I said, everyone gets it. That's just a part of the normal aging change. Lens becomes cloudy. That's the definition of a contract.
What do we do? Easily can be easily taken care. Actually it's a very fun surgery, we do this, this is that the most commonly performed eye surgery in our field and then you can see this and this is the illustration how the surgery works.
Again this is partially just a front part, the, the part of the eye, the back is, is behind. Now you make a incision in the clear cornea, which doesn't contain any blood vessels at all. The incision is so small. Right after the surgery, those patients, other than the fact those patient can see, and you don't see anything, there's no bleeding because corneas is clear. There's no blood vessel.
You make incision. You put instrument inside eye after the pupils dilated. Remember Marfan patients they have a poorly dilated the pupil. If the pupil doesn't dilate well, that alone can make surgery difficult. Okay? There are ways to take care of this but if your eye surgeon has to be aware of this. So if you can dilate the pupil well and that this would allow you to use this instrument to reach the lens.
When you reach the cloudy lens, you literally break into small pieces and this instrument has aspiration portal, so you basically break it down using the energy, ultrasound the energy, suck it in to the this same instrument and get the lens out.
And so you, some patients would ask me, say that "Now, when you remove my cataract, can I have it as a souvenir?" I said, "No, you don't, you don't want to have it. I'm gonna break down." That's a baby and they're just, you know, you're not deliver the whole baby out. When you have that, this is what's the old way to do the surgery. We didn't have this instrument. We have to make a large incision, deliver the whole baby out, basically. You can imagine the surgery was a whole different way to perform. Now we don't have any souvenir for patients at all.
After the cataract is removed, we use the same incision putting another instrument, which is a delivery system. On the right is the artificial lens. You put artificial lens in the eye. It's just a piece of plastic, very soft. You can fold it up and put into this delivery system. When you get inside, when the lens gets inside eye, because this is very soft and guess unfold it on your own, gets suspended in this capsular bag, which is just the wrapping of the lens. We call a capsule. So that's how the standard a contract is performed.
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