
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Investigation of Sleep Disorders and Lung Injury in Marfan Syndrome





We often hear about the CPAP masks they're not comfortable, they don't fit well but that's what insurance provides for me. Do you have any recommendations for where else folks can, can look at masks and, and see what might be a better fit for their face?





I have a couple of thoughts about that. First of all you should encounter your sleep person with the knowledge and you can say Dr. Neptune told you this that there are hundreds of these masks that are available. I mean it's not like you have kind of this one company that's making five masks and that those are the only one thing, so you first of all need to realize that there's a mask and a setup out there and it may be kind of a nose only system, it may be a full facial and there are all sorts of different ways of delivering kind of the positive pressure, the devices and the machines in terms of auto CPAP versus manual CPAP.




And what you have to do and I know and I, I, I know when I say this people are saying these doctors and these health systems are so resistant to giving you what you need and they want to give you what's easiest for them to deliver but the reality is that they're like, it's like a squeaky wheel, you will only get that if you tell them that they have these masks available and you want to try every possible mask that you can get until you find one that work.




And I say for patients who have Marfan syndrome who are having mask fit issues and there are many reasons that there are mask fit issues because the facial structure can be a little bit different in patients with Marfan syndrome than in persons who don't have it, that you should try at least five different mask before you say that it's not going to work. I would say 10 but start out with five and see what's going on because when you start saying, “I want to try different masks,” your sleep doctor will get into a different head because they realize that you understand the whole sleep system and that when he says there are only two masks that you and he'll realize he can't say that because that's actually not true, so start off with the understanding that you're probably going to have to test out a number of different masks.




The second point is that there is a training period and the training period can be like a month or even a couple of months and when kids are starting on CPAP they start at lower pressures and it's gradually increased and now we become much more comfortable with using the same kind of approach with adults, so there's a way of getting your body much more comfortable with the delivery system and, so accept that there's going to be a training period and demand as many masks as you need to find the one that works for you.




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