COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered
"If one has one of the these disorders and as a health care provider, how can we protect their own safety?"
This is a very, very dicey issue because those of us who are working with COVID patients are not getting tested ourselves if we don't have symptoms and I think if you are a physician with one of these disorders, you should be tested if you develop any type of respiratory symptoms.
Physicians are generally told if they're developing kind of a cough or a low-grade fever that they should basically go home kind of self- quarantine and not necessarily have a test and wait it out for the 14 days and then, if they recover they can return to their their positions and continue to manage patients.
But this is a kind of an evolving issue as to what you should do as a health care provider if you have symptoms and definitely if you're a health care provider with an underlying kind of risk concern. I don't know, Hal, if you have any thoughts about that.
So I have just a couple of things to add.
First of all, these recommendations for social distancing are no joke; they're really important to protect you, to protect your family members and to protect others.
Second, wash your hands, wash your hands, and then wash your hands some more. And water and soap, doesn't have to be hot water just cold water is fine are really the the best way to protect yourself. From touching something and then touching your eyes or your nose and introducing the virus into your system.
Now if you or a family member are in a particular high-risk group, you know, a very high-risk group, then it might be worthwhile taking the social distancing recommendations to an even greater extreme. That might be a circumstance, for example, of a parent taking leave from work in order to not have to be in a crowded environment and potentially exposed to COVID-19 that they could bring home to their vulnerable child, for example, so there, there are some particular circumstances that could warrant that extra level of precaution.
Hand sanitizers do work they're not any better than washing your hands. Please be sure that if you're using a hand sanitizer that it has at least 60% alcohol content, so read the label and make sure that there's a sufficient alcohol to be protected.
And then last thing I would mention is masks. There is currently no recommendation or strong evidence that wearing a routine type of mask that you see many people walking around with provides any additional protection for them.
If somebody is infected and they're actively shedding the virus, they're coughing and releasing respiratory droplets that might infect somebody else, then wearing a mask might protect them from being splattered with respiratory droplets, so, you know, if you are symptomatic, if you have been diagnosed with this infection, it may make sense to wear a mask to protect yourself and in general circumstances. There's currently no recommendation to use a mask.
For health care providers, you know, use all appropriate protective equipment and your, you know, these are people that are coming into very close contact with people that are known to be infected and, you know, in, in that context, please take every precaution to protect yourself.
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