COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered
"Is there anything that we can do now to strengthen our lungs to prevent a worse outcome with this virus and in general just for us and our children?"
I believe that exercise is best, the absolutely best thing to do to strengthen your lungs because what that does is strengthens your respiratory muscles and your respiratory muscles are kind of the the critical organ system that's able to maintain your ventilator and all your ventilation and allow you to respond to a stressor, be it a pneumonia or be it a heart problem, be it an asthmatic attack.
And so exercise. And in these days of sheltering in place, that means finding a place where you can walk where you're not going to be within three feet of someone else.
We heard Hal's dog and walking your dog in these situations are highly, highly advised since dogs are relatively protected against COVID-19, so they can be within three feet of you and you don't have to worry.
So I advise exercise. There's not a magic medication that can strengthen the lungs unfortunately.
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