Eye Issues and Treatment in Marfan Syndrome, Stickler Syndrome, and Other Related Conditions
Minor ones include refractive errors. I say it's minor because often time, we just wear contact lenses, you wear glasses that can be easily corrected. No big deal, right? Non-invasive approach.
And below, amblyopia, which is defined as a lazy eye. We'd talk about this just a little bit.
Strabismus, the eyes wander, they're not straight.
Iris hyperplasia and poor pupil dilation. This is more or less for the physicians that you don't take care of our Marfan patients often enough, you forget about this and that can cause trouble.
For instance, when you do the cataract surgery, if you're not prepared, you're not, you are aware of or not thinking of those patients to have iris hyperplasia, their pupils don't dilate well. You're not prepared, you encounter the complications that can be bad thing.
So it wouldn't hurt even though this is not much for, for the patient education, but I think is a good idea to keep that in mind. When you go see your doctor,you're gonna remind your doctor, so be your own advocate, "Look, I was told my pupils just don't dilate well. Be prepared if you need to do the cataract surgery."
Okay, so those are the major problems and minor problems.
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