
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


What is the emotional impact of the diagnosis on the family?


Man A:
I do think it's probably a good combination to have somebody who's very emotional and, and, and pushing and somebody who can keep you grounded and, you know, that everything is going to be fine and I really felt that everything was going to be fine and thanks to Hal Dietz, again, we're singing his praises here. He was wonderful and just making us feel that Chris was going to have a long, long life and, you know, there're gonna be some bumps along the road, but he was going to be fine.



Woman A:
You know, sometimes you can hear all of the medical lingo and it's even scarier, you know, sometimes we have to say, "Could you explain it in English, please, so that I can comprehend that?" and then once that's explained, it's, it's not quite as scary anymore. Because you can leave with finding out, "Oh, well my aorta changed or this changed or that change," and then the emotional roller coaster goes, but you need to step back, "What does that really mean? How? Okay. well, what are we gonna do about it, how are we gonna, you know, handle that or does it really mean anything?"



Woman B:
It's one thing to get the diagnosis for yourself and I had the
diagnosis first because then you have a certain outlook for your life and, you know, you have a career and so maybe you have to change those things, so that's like a whole other different experience when you're diagnosed, but when you're young kids are diagnosed, it's just here 15 years later, it's still emotional
because there's a lot of guilt for me, it's like, "I gave them this gene you have." You want so much for your kids and then you here, you gave them something that's like gonna change their life.



Girl A:
I mean, honestly, I'm 16 now and ever since I can remember I've kind of always known I had it, so it's always just kind of been part of our family and we joke about it and call each other Marfanoids and I don't know it's always just kind of a family thing and it's never. I know it's some people who are like the first mutation, then they might feel alone or something, but it's always been my mom, all her six siblings, me and my sister,
one of my cousins, so I haven't really felt alienated and alone going through any of it, but it's kind of just been a family thing.



Woman C:
Sometimes I'm afraid that my son will become unhappy. Uh, but he's 20 years old and I haven't seen it yet, so probably he will not be unhappy and if he does experience unhappiness, which we all do, he will know how to navigate his way through it and fight his battles and create his own happiness for himself and his own sense of self-worth which, yes, plenty of, he is remarkable that way.



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