
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Why are you hopeful?


Man A:
I'm hopeful because every year you hear about new advances in the science in the treatment, there are new advances as kids grow, you know, we've seen that the kids over the years who grown up with Marfan and seeing that they've become successful, wonderful, wonderful people, so you can't help but be hopeful.



Woman B:
I'm hopeful because I know my son and my husband and I are not alone or and will never, will be alone with this and that is a great comfort and as time goes on, the world gets bigger and bigger, the world of Marfan gets bigger and bigger for me, which makes me feel even less alone and less afraid. I'm also hopeful because every doctor I speak to is fascinated about Marfan. If you say my son is Marfan, sometimes they don't know what it is or they kind of know what it is and you start explaining it. You say this magic word called genes, you know, and and they just become fascinated and that is a good thing, you know, that they that it is something that does once it's put on the table, it really interests the medical community.



Man B:
I'm hopeful because there's really no alternative, the alternative is to be unhopeful and I don't think that's really something you can feel, particularly when we've seen the progress that Chris has made over the years with every operation as tough as it is to go through. He said ends up better off; he is straighter, his heart's been fixed, so everything is all to the good and the glass is always half full and getting fuller for us.



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