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歯科とマルファン症候群 ~歯科とマルファン的特徴との関連~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020)




So we think of Marfan syndrome, as, as it's defined as a genetic disorder and I'm not going to go over this exclusively.



But I do want to sort of elevate the point that I am a clinician scientist so I happen to have a PhD in genetics and molecular biology and I like to think about things as having a genetic origin and, when possible, to be able to tie what I see clinically to that. I haven't had so much opportunity to do that, genotype-phenotype correlation work, yet but I'm, also I'm always mindful of that.



And as, you know, Marfan syndrome is a multi-system disorder and I say this not because you need to hear it and you don't know it but because I want to etch this in your brain that when we think about dentistry, we're thinking about the musculoskeletal system.



The things that we think about aren't often teeth or the face and dentistry but when you look at the musculoskeletal presentation, it does include things that we know more, which is the disproportionately tall, thin stature and some other things, but there's also, this is where dental falls, it falls within that skeletal realm and frankly, regardless of whether this is a major criteria or not because it is not, the face is not, but we know that most of us feel that we can detect marfan or marfanoid features just from looking at the face.



And what else? We also know that there are other aspects of the musculoskeletal system that may be relevant to dentistry. Again we tend to think about feet or hands, other joints but joint hyper-mobility has a strong correlation to the joint that helps you when you're chewing your food, the temporomandibular joint, so we'll touch on that just a little bit.



And we also know that even though the cardiovascular system seems like, it wouldn't have anything to do with teeth, what we know is that depending on the health and condition of your cardiovascular system, you may be more prone to an infective endocarditis and there's a strong correlation with the microbes or sort of flora in your mouth and the potential for that to have an impact when those that have some cardiovascular conditions, that predispose them to infective endocarditis.



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