
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered




So we'll go over a few of them one of the first one is "Can an individual with Marfan receive treatment and survive COVID-19?" So, Hal, do you want to take that?



Sure, so, you know, what I can say, thank the powers-that-be, is that I have not interacted with anyone with Marfan syndrome who has told me that they definitely have COVID-19 infection but based upon everything that I know and believe, I do believe that people with Marfan syndrome and related disorders in general would behave much like anyone else that has this infection.



One point that we haven't made, that I think should be made is for reasons that we don't fully understand this, why all accounts is a very mild infection in young children. Examples of severely affected young children are few and far between and so, you know, again there are high risk categories; we don't want anybody to let their guard down if their child falls into one of those categories but my expectation is that most children with Marfan syndrome would do extremely well with this infection as do most other all, you know, most other children.



And that unless an adult falls into one of those high-risk categories that they could be expected to follow the pattern that we've observed in the general population.



We do know that there is an age dependence to the severity of this infection. In older age groups and really once you get above the age of 60 but particularly above the age of 70, the risk of severe features of this disease, the risk of needing intensive care treatment and the risk unfortunately of succumbing to this infection does go up.



So just as I don't think people with Marfan syndrome, most people are particularly prone to severe manifestations of this illness. I also don't believe that they're magically protected from the severe manifestations of this illness and should be following all the routine guidelines that we've been discussing.



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