
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

COVID-19とマルファン関連疾患 ~対症療法について~

COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered




Great, thanks. Let's have the next slide, so Enid you want to talk about some of these pain relievers and other ways to relieve nasal congestion.



Yeah, garden-variety pain relievers such as acetaminophen or even NSAIDs are typically fine as long as you recognize that the fever is new and you've alerted your physician that you actually have a fever. So I don't believe that anyone should try to suppress a fever in this COVID-concerning environment without letting a healthcare provider know that this is a new issue for you.



In terms of nasal congestion, I mean the concerns that we mentioned earlier are relevant here. Saline nasal spray, typically if you're using a steroid saline nasal spray or one that includes an ingredient that we call ipratropium, which is an anticholinergic, you don't need to know that, but what you do need to know is that those nasal sprays will not elevate kind of your blood pressure and therefore don't have some of the hemodynamic concerns that we have with, with those that contain ingredients that can stimulate your heart and increase your blood pressure.



In terms of soothing your throat, I think gargling with warm salt water, I think that is as effective as most of the kind of over-the-counter medications and, and that's what I would recommend.



If you have a sore throat that's associated with fever, again your healthcare providers should be notified, it may not be COVID and in fact, most of the time it will not be but in the event that it's something such as strep, strep throat, then you need to know about that and you need to be started on the appropriate antibiotics and you also need to protect your family members because you will be contagious during the first few days.



Okay, can we have the next slide? And just to finish up, Enid, maybe you can go over some of this as well.



Yeah, these are kind of typical interventions if you have an upper respiratory infection.



You drink plenty of fluids because especially if you have fevers, you can become somewhat dehydrated. All of these kind of liquids and substances are equally fine and equally helpful in terms of hydration. In terms of clearing mucus, if you're well hydrated, it's much easier to clear out a mucus from your lungs so that makes sense.



Humidifiers are kind of useful for some people not for others. Some people get incredible benefit from them especially if they have a sense of having kind of very dry, irritated airways. You should know that having a humidifier doesn't increase the risk of disseminating COVID if in fact you have an infection, however at least in a clinical setting, we feel that the use of a nebulizer does increase the generation of particles and so if you have a likely infection or known COVID infection, we strongly discourage you from using your nebulizer but rather to use an inhaler, instead.



You should get plenty of rest, and again in the vast majority of cases of COVID, the natural history is very similar to what we have with a regular cold or URI and so if it's not improving within a few days, then you need to notify your physician because that's when you need to consider whether it's a non-resolving infection and whether it's COVID or not.



The issue of subquarantine, I think that always has to be done in consultation with your physician. I think, to assume that you need to be quarantined without having a medical person kind of review your symptoms to determine whether there's a likelihood of some other diagnose explaining them, I think, would be a little kind of too pre-emptive so I, I don't disagree with quarantine but I think it needs to be done in consultation with your physician.



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