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大動脈を守るために ~βブロッカーについて~

Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)




One of the basic concepts in medical management, in other words, non-surgical therapy of aortic aneurysm disease, we'll talk about medications, learning about the condition, lifestyle modifications, exercise, and then guidelines for pregnancy.



There are medications, which are useful in Marfan syndrome and other related aortic aneurysm conditions. Some of these are based on randomized controlled trials and some of these are really just based on our best judgment without evidence in people, but some evidence in laboratory animals.



The first therapy that's typically used is a beta blocker and beta blockers block the effect of adrenaline on our vascular system, so when things get us excited like exercise or emotional stress, our heart rate goes up and blood pressure goes up and that leads to more force on the aorta. Beta blockers block that effect, so the blood pressure doesn't rise as high and the heart rate doesn't go as fast during physical or emotional activities and it lessens the stress and strain on the aorta over a lifetime.



And there's been demonstrations of beneficial effects of beta blockers from the very earliest studies dating back well over 30 years ago. Now, with this study published almost 25 years ago, comparing aortic size and people with Marfan syndrome followed at Johns Hopkins.


On the top bar are individual slopes of aortic growth with faster aortic growth over 10 years in people treated with control, meaning no medication compared to treatment group, which is beta blocker, and a couple of these patients with the black arrows didn't take any medication, their aortic roots grew more rapidly, but on average, their aorta grew more slowly in beta-blocker treated patients.



So that's the background of beta-blocker therapy in Marfan and related disorders and it's a typically first drug used, yeah and I'll talk about alternative agents, which are as effective compared to beta blockers. So in our guidelines, beta blockers are recommended for Marfan syndrome to reduce the rate of aortic dilatation.



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