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ロイス・ディーツ症候群について ~血管の検査~

Loeys Dietz Syndrome: Virtual Medical Symposium Series (11/8/18)




We do know that blood vessels are a major problem in people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome. As I mentioned, we commonly see enlargement at the root of the aorta in almost 90% of people but that we also see aneurysms throughout the arterial tree really from the head all the way down to the top of the legs.



So on this basis, we recommend that a imaging study be done to look at blood vessels from the head through the pelvis at the time of diagnosis. This could either be an MRA scan or something we call a CTA scan. They both give beautiful pictures.



But we have preference for an MRA scan, if possible, because it doesn't require radiation, so it is a safe way to follow somebody's blood vessels throughout their entire lifetime.



Now one, two, three, five CT scans are fine, but our bodies have memory for the amount of radiation that they've seen over our lifetimes, so we need to pay attention and someone that we expect will need imaging studies for many, many, many years. The, the best bet is to try to use MRA, when possible, and to avoid the radiation exposure in CT scans.



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