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ゲノム編集と将来のマルファン症候群治療 ~最後に~

CRISPR, Stem Cells, Gene Modifiers – The Future of Marfan Research (August 27 2020) E3 Summit




Final slide, there's lots of good work trying to identify other sources of modification of Marfan syndrome, making it worse or making it better.



Now we're learning about drugs. Some that make it better, some that make it worse including work from our lab that suggested that calcium channel blockers make it worse.



Really good work from Scott LeMaire and others, suggesting that fluoroquinolone antibiotics can make aneurysms worse in connective tissue disorders including Marfan syndrome.

Scott LeMaireらが行った研究は、フルオロキノロン系の抗菌薬により、マルファン症候群などの結合組織疾患における動脈瘤が悪化することを示すもので、実に素晴らしい結果です。


Some really interesting work going on with exercise and, you know, the exciting thing that we're learning is that at least some forms of exercise appear to be protective in Marfan syndrome certainly including moving kinds of activities performed in moderation, but I think we're going to learn a lot more about the benefits and potential risks of exercise and be able to make even better recommendations about how lifestyle can be modified.



Diet is an active area of investigation, the aging processes carefully being considered.



There's work now trying to understand why women who become pregnant are at risk for vascular consequences and evidence that the hormone oxytocin may be involved.



Other work that's ongoing in multiple labs trying to understand why in some contexts men appear to do less good than women with vascular connective tissue disorders including Marfan syndrome, including even more prominently vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.



So I'm going to end simply by acknowledging the people from my lab, who contributed to work that I've shown, again there's lots of good work going on in many labs throughout the country and throughout the world.



I'd like to acknowledge The Marfan Foundation for its unwavering support of this type of research and also other sources of research funding, and I think I'll stop there and I'd be happy to take any questions.

そして、研究に対する一貫した支援と研究資金の援助に対してThe Marfan Foundationに感謝申し上げます。では、私の話はこのくらいにして、質問に回答したいと思います。


The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。