
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン関連疾患における整形外科的所見 ~スポーツについて~

Keeping Your Spine, Limbs, and Feet Healthy in Marfan and Related Conditions




With regards to athletic participation, this is a huge one, has there's been some, you know, famous athletes recently in the past five or so years, who have come forward with their diagnosis, particularly in the NBA.



Nonetheless, this is another avenue for interaction with others for, in particular, with children of all ages, both male and female, it's important for their mental well-being to interact with others.



Now this is something that you have to have approached with caution because when you hear about someone in the media who has Marfan syndrome, again going back to what I mentioned before, you can't compare their case to yours, so while they may be playing a competitive sport or some type of athletic competition, it's important to understand that that may not apply to you.



So, no one-size-fits-all. An individual approach to everyone and certainly it makes, it's pretty intuitive but you obviously have to consult with your individual cardiologist before making these decisions but nonetheless it's extremely important and plays a vital role as an orthopedic surgeon to take this into account.



So it's important to monitor your heart rate, monitor your SBP, or your systolic blood pressure. That's the top number.



You want to avoid exertional activities, anything that involves you holding your breath, which ultimately increases the pressure in your thorax and your heart and the outward pump, which is connected to the aorta, which is an opportunity for the aorta to expand as the pressure expands and that's what we're trying to avoid here.



Fortunately or unfortunately there's no general consensus, so I can't point to someone here in the audience and say you can't participate, you may be able to participate. It's just to what level you can participate.



And obviously given the the chest concerns, the pectus deformities, the lens dislocations, contact sports are generally forbidden and as a result you're preventing trauma to the chest, you're preventing worsening dislocation to the lenses and you're ultimately preventing major catastrophic vision loss.



So certain modifications can be made no, nothing is set in stone and obviously as research continues to advance and more studies come out from a cardiovascular world are able to modify this and enhance someone's athletic participation.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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