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運動に関するオンライン座談会 ~医師による質問への回答~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Physical Activity & Exercise




Some of the questions were about, you know, what is an orthopedist, the right person? It might be, it might be a chiropractor, an orthopedist, a physiatrist, a physical therapist that's really has an interest in, in this condition and helping people maximize their success and minimize the joint problems whether it be the foot the ankle, the hip or the chest or anything. 



In, in somebody who's, who's younger, you know, it's usually easier because the competition isn't as great as, as Dr. Shepard Mary said on that slide so the stakes aren't as high. The intensity is not as great. The amount of trauma is not as high so Little league, you know, you know, tee-ball and scrum soccer as we used to call it where, you know, it's just a big mass running around. That's not the same as what happens in middle school and then high school so really you have the opportunity to like again using Morgan's example, let's play golf or tennis or recreational swimming as opposed to doing the most intense competitive sports at the highest levels, just gets harder in high school to take things away as opposed to build toward that. 



Musical instruments that was a question about that. I think it's a great thing and I mean, you know, my brother, of course, he had to play the tuba and, you know, carry that on the marching band but he didn't know so, you know, you don't, not everybody has to play the flute. I mean, I think all the musical instrument are going to be fine basically as long as you're doing them, you know, reasonably. I mean, you can play the drums like somebody in Aerosmith and really have intense stuff going on or you can play the drums like most people play the drums so again everything has its own levels. 



I think that's what the main message that we want to, to take away here. Choose the activities in a, in a really reasonable way and be practical and have fun and live your life. We don't like to put restrictions on things that make sense. We just want to understand, you know, what drives people to want to, you know, maybe have a behavior that might not be as safe and then let's try to understand that and try to put it back in maybe a different realm. With the recognition that we really don't know what's, what a lot of things aren't safe we kind of err, we always err on the side of your safety. That's just the nature of our of our business, your well-being.



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