
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research





There's been talk of, you know, if you have the vaccine, you may still get the virus but you're not, you're not gonna be infected but you maybe can carry it, so if you've already had, if you've already had, you've already had COVID, and you get the vaccine and can you still, can you still get the virus, you're not getting infected and can you transmit it? There's a lot of it's a big story there but you know what I'm saying.



So, so I'll go first and then Enid, could tell me if I'm wrong. The best study I know of was the the Moderna vaccine study. Not only asked the question, "Did the vaccine prevent you from getting clinical COVID infection?" but "Did it prevent you from being able to be a positive test?" and I believe it was a 95 percent reduction in getting clinical COVID but about a 75 percent protection against actually showing a positive test, so there is at least that data to suggest that the vaccine may also prevent us from acquiring and carrying the virus in an asymptomatic form. I don't know about the Pfizer vaccine. Enid, did you know any data there?



No, I don't, I don't think the Pfizer study was structured so that they were interested in new infections and I think for all the vaccines that's a secondary concern. I think Moderna had that data in a subset, I think that was a subset of their overall cohort, where they actually looked at positivity, but I, I think the the safest kind of construction of the data so far is to assume that these vaccines will prevent kind of having a serious manifestation of the infection rather than protecting patients from becoming infected and the transmissibility is a totally unresolved issue.



And so one has to assume that even with the vaccine they're at some risk of becoming infected and they're at a probable kind of consistent risk of transmitting it. So that's why we strongly advocating that even after people are vaccinated that they continue to use the hygienic practices of wearing the mask, kind of distancing themselves and employing hand hygiene.



I want to just echo that the, the data that Joe mentioned, the, the most recent information we have is that 24 percent of patients who acquire COVID-19. It's coming from somebody who is asymptomatic and never has symptoms and about 35 percent is coming from people who are pre-symptomatic. They have the virus but they haven't developed symptoms yet.



So that over half of the infections that we're seeing globally are being transmitted by people who have no symptoms and the fact as Enid suggests the vaccination may not change that until we sort of have hard immunity, a large percentage of the population vaccinated or having survived COVID and is immunized essentially. The ability to relax the social distancing, masking, washing, etc. is just not logical.



So, so then in other words, the vaccine what we're doing is people are not going to get sick, we're going to have, we're going to increase capacity in our hospitals, be able to handle people who need hospitalizations whether it's for COVID or something else, and, and then we won't, we ourselves won't be getting that sick if we, if we get it, if we even get it with that small percentage, so...



I think that's, I think that's the right answer. I think I am hopeful that the vaccine will have some effect in reducing the likelihood of a vaccinated person from carrying it but as Enid pointed out, it's a fairly small sub study of the Moderna vaccination trial.



We will be watching that.



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