
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

Marfan関連疾患におけるCOVID最新情報 ~変異型ウイルス~

COVID-19 Update for the Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS Community




And, and these are, this is a slide that I, I simply wanted to show the audience. You, you hear on the news these various types of variants and where they've come from so we thought it would be interesting just to show you the names of the variants, where they were first detected and, and what we know about them so far.



The variant that's very dominant in our country right now is is the B.1.1.7 that was thought to have come out of the United Kingdom. That virus is more infectious so it's 50 percent more likely to be transmitted but if you look at the effect of that variant on neutralizing the antibody response that we get it's minimal, that is, we don't think that, that particular variant is, is a lot more or any more lethal although it is transmitted faster.



And you see down below variants from Japan and Brazil, South Africa, California. For virtually all of them you see that the transmissibility seems to go up, that is, the virus is more contagious but if you ask the question, "does this particular variant have a dramatic effect in reducing the neutralizing antibodies that we get from a vaccine?" it appears to be not the case. That is, these variants so far aren't breaking through and allowing very, very severe infections in those individuals who've gotten the vaccines that we currently have available so this is good news.



The vaccines we have continue to seem to be effective against both the original variant of the virus and these other variants that tend to be more transmissible but so far not highly more lethal for those of us who've been vaccinated.



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