
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈弓手術について ~抗凝固管理~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




As in medicine there's, if there's something good there's always some bad to it so the colder you go the bigger problems you have with bleeding because the proteins that form coagulation or blood clot are, they're temperature-dependent because proteins are temperature-dependent and when you cool those proteins are going to change, when you warm you hope those proteins go back so they fit the puzzle pieces to form clot.



But a lot of times when you go really cold they don't do that so therefore hypothermia inhibits platelet function. Obviously the longer the surgery you tend to dilute your coagulation factors and then when you're on the heart-lung machine you've got a variety of problems that can occur.



So therefore in the operating room we have point-of-care testing to assess before surgery, "what does someone's coagulation profile look like?" and then at that time if it looks good we can actually take blood off of the patient just like donating at the blood bank but we don't cool it and freeze it like the blood bank because once again that would interfere with the proteins. We keep it in the OR, we keep it on a rocker table so that we can instill it at the end of the case.



So that's the patient's own whole blood that has all those coagulation factors so that's the best transfusion you can get because it's your own, view trans, blood transfusions as a liquid transplant.



But having said that a lot of times in arch surgery we have to give you some so using point-of-care testing instead of hitting you with the blood bank kitchen sink we're being very methodical about what we need to give the patients.



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