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Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit




Could you talk about craniocervical instability in LDS? Any new HCTD types that have been discovered? What is the usual cause of cerebral, cerebellar tonsillar ectopia or Chiari and LDS? My goodness!



Like the three different questions, I think, so the first one I think was largely addressed by Hal. I don't think we have anything to add to what's already been said about cervical instability



So as I pointed that we are currently investigating a new subtype, which is somewhat unusual because it does present with a different mode of inheritance. 



So most of the ones that are known by now or all of the ones that are known by now are autosomal dominant but this new one is an autosomal recessive, which means that both parents are carrying a variant and that they need to transmit both that variant to the child in order for the child to develop the disease.



We are investigating what the specific role of of the gene is but again there seems to be a connection to the TGF-beta signaling pathway so we'll let you know more once we know more. 



We did develop a mouse model and the mouse model also develops the aneurysms that we see in the children so we, we can use that model to learn more exactly about the function of the gene.



And then the third part about the Chiari malformation so I think that could also be related to changes in the way the cervical spine is made and the bottom of the of the skull so I don't know whether that answers completely the question or I'm not sure I understand the full question.



I think the the question was trying to ask what causes Chiari malformation in heritable connective tissue disorders and, you know, I don't think that we know a precise answer to that as Bart is suggesting it likely relates to how the lower portion of the skull and the cervical spine formed during development. 



There is evidence that it can progress over time with the lower portion of the brain sinking more deeply into the spinal canal but the, the exact determinants of of why someone has a Chiari malformation and someone else with the same underlying diagnosis does not, you know, I don't think we have a good answer to that.



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