
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン関連疾患児の発達障害・行動障害・学習障害 ~ストレスへの対処法~

Children with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS: More than Medicine




All right, so what can you do? Here's, this is just kind of an outline and again in the Q&A we will get into more details. 



Well, first of all one size never fits all. You have to for an individual child, for an individual teen or young adult. You have to identify the individual profile of risk and resilience, what are the strengths of, of that human being and then what are the challenges that they have, where do they tend to fall off the horse.



On the part of parents consistent positive reassurance and role modeling, so how do you deal with anxiety? Kids are going to look to parents and in fact most of the current, most effective anxiety treatments for children now involve the entire family, particularly the parents in terms of this role modeling component. 



Particularly in the pandemic daily schedules, daily activities can go out the door so creating a daily activity schedule where one was not before can be anxiety-reducing. 



Activity, exercise certainly is tolerated, recommended by our medical professionals can really be quite anxiety reducing as well and I'm not making that up or saying that as kind of what I think is actually their scientific data that show that activity doesn't have to be rigorous exercise. Increasing activity improves your sense of well-being, reduces anxiety and can have a effect of certainly reducing depressive symptoms if they're mild. 



Taking advantage of opportunities for positive social interaction that's really important as well again and during the pandemic I think there's much more tendency to get isolated and to just drop into that zone of being isolated so taking the opportunities not only on Zoom but, you know, outdoors, masked outdoors, masked indoors for positive social interaction. 



And then of course with respect to sleep-reducing activities that interfere with sleep this oftentimes is a big tug of war particularly between teens and parents in terms of screen time, but I, I tell our teens I say, "Look, here's the science. Screen time before you go to sleep will interfere with your sleep onset, will interfere with your sleep maintenance."



Some other approaches, so those first that, first set of, the first set of approaches was more what can you do at home, well covered professionally. In general the two types of therapy that we think are most effective for these types of problems that we're talking about particularly anxiety and depression are cognitive behavioral therapy and, and sometimes family therapy and sometimes a combination of the two. 



Medication usually not first line but certainly if you're dealing with a person who has significant attentional problems sometimes we will recommend medication for that or anxiety in particular that's not responding to therapy we will use anti-anxiety medications as well and certainly for depression that's not responding to therapy. 



And school-based interventions, I'm going to let Mark talk about in, in his segment but those are oftentimes very effective, you know, your kid spends a lot of time at school so if you can have an appropriate curriculum and accommodations it can do a lot to ameliorate problems with behavior and psychosocial issues at school. 



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