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リスクと生きる ~リスクを抱える子供の親へのメッセージ~

Living with Risk




All right, so I'm gonna try to go through these pretty quickly and we can save a little time for it in the Q&A but a few thoughts that I have on considerations for supporting our little people in coping with this risk. 



Oftentimes the conversation comes up within the vEDS community about how do you share information and different parents and different caregivers have different perspectives on this but the theme is always that you want to provide developmentally appropriate awareness and knowledge of illness while still protecting our children from the unhelpful extreme information that's just going to contribute to more fear and anxiety than is helpful.



And that again changes developmentally over a lifetime. The, the information that I share with my littles, the age that they are is going to be different than the kinds of information you would share with a teenager but maintaining that attunement to still answering questions honestly. Kids have this keen ability to recognize when adults are not being honest and so the more transparent you can be while still kind of titrating their access to knowledge is really, is really the target here. 



And through this wanting to emphasize the power of risk awareness, so as you're introducing the, the notion of risk to kids, letting them know that the more we know and the more we are aware of risk the more empowered our choices can be, so although it can be scary to have that type of information that we have it and we share it in order to make wiser, safer choices and really emphasizing the power that can come from that.



This is talked about really across the board but looking for participation in sustainable activities, things that can be done over a lifetime to promote physical health and wellness but emotional health and wellness. 



And the unique consideration that has really been kind of growing in my own journey here is the value of building and promoting positive healthcare experiences, so thinking about the fact that ourselves and our children are going to have countless healthcare experiences over a lifetime and how can we help essentially build up some resilience and really emphasize that healthcare providers are helpful, healthcare providers are here to support us and really build the trust and build the relationships so that they're not so scary when the high risk situations occur.



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