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リスクと生きる ~リスクの対処法~

Living with Risk




So just a couple notes on strategies for coping with risk. First and foremost, we, we need to be looking for opportunities for support and validation. We need to find that in our families and friend groups and certainly within the medical community. So, so often I hear of patients and family members with these conditions that are misheard in their medical community and so the more you can find a team of people that support you and understand the condition again whether that's within your social support network or within the medical community, it goes an incredibly long way, so be an advocate for yourself to find that support and validation. 



Educating yourself, that's what this entire webinar has been about. Learning what the risks are, learning how to be prepared and figuring out where your own line in the sand is as far as tolerating risk and knowing that that's going to shift and change a bit over time as new research comes in and as your own perspective shifts over a lifetime. 



Finding ways to practice acceptance and developing grounding practices. Here we're talking about ways to just tolerate and accept the realities that there is risk that we're going to have to live with and that's difficult and that's painful and it is part of our reality. The more, the more emotional energy we invest in kind of fighting the realities of that it's just wasted energy, so when you can find ways to accept and ground yourself in the realities of your particular case, recognizing what's going well and what is okay right now at this moment, can kind of separate you from all of the noise. The risk, the chronic risk is a lot of just kind of background chirping and noise that will really wear on a person psychologically, so the more you can quiet that the more wellness you're going to have.



Recognizing and challenging maladaptive thoughts. Again I feel like I could do an entire webinar on this alone. This is kind of looking at the cognitive behavioral therapy perspective of saying what you think impacts how you feel and there's a lot of truth to that. Except with connective tissue disorders a lot of our more anxiety-provoking thoughts are actually pretty reality-based and so this notion that we can just challenge our fear-based thoughts and suddenly find this great sense of wellness and calm is not realistic. That being said there's a lot to be done with kind of checking in with yourself about how helpful: how helpful is this thought, how helpful is this fear? If it's informing your choices around what kind of risks you're willing to take, what kinds of activities you're going to get your kids involved in, well,  that's helpful fear but when it starts crossing that boundary and it's just this kind of ruminative anxiety-based thinking that's just bringing you down. Finding ways to let that go not because it's not reality-based but because it's not helpful. 



Some of the same physical building blocks apply to emotional health and wellness as well, so making sure that you're getting enough sleep, getting balanced nutrition, moving your body in ways that are safe to do so.



And then finding opportunities if you need them to process your experiences with a professional whether that's a counselor or a therapist or seeking a medication evaluation if it's appropriate. If your mood and anxiety concerns feel like they're really not manageable and they're impacting your day-to-day life, talk it out with a professional, figure out what your options are so that you can have as high a quality of life as possible.



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