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運動に関する最新研究 ~運動に関する質問への回答~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




So here are some of the questions that come up commonly about and, and what I think the simple answer is to say is we don't really have great answers for all these things. It's really a very much nuanced and shared decisions and can, trying to get the best advice for the person and really very few outcomes data about high risk physical activities. 




"What happens if I choose to do one of these things that might be more risky to me?" Again very little information because we really try to steer one away from things that might be higher risk, like again intense weight training and bodybuilding and contact sports at the highest levels. I think the bottom line is "Do we always have the right answer?" We really try to come up with a patient-centric and family-centric advice that's best for the individual encompassing their own individual characteristics. 




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