Personal Perspectives Panel: Physical Activity & Exercise
So what do we know about exercise? How much is safe? It really depends, what's the condition, what's the condition of the aorta, what's the age of the individual, what type of sport is being performed, what intensity and things like that.
In general, you know, you're doing too much exercise or physical activity if you can't breathe or you can't talk or you're straining yourself tremendously during that activity to be able to continue it
So in general things that are done at a recreational pace in a conversational voice are certainly safe and many things can be done at above that level but when you start to strain or grunt or can't do more then you're really reaching a threshold.
In the type of physical activities people ask about what I shouldn't do that's a hard one to say what you shouldn't do. Really we try to emphasize all the things that you should do but in general intense weight training at highest levels where you're really straining your muscles, your muscles have had fatigue and you can't do anything more, that's usually past the threshold because then it affects blood pressure and aortic wall stress, next slide.
What if you choose to do high risk physical activities? Well, what we'll talk about today is what we know about those sort of things consequences and and the good news is, is most people who, who do most types of physical activity who have a heritable connective tissue or thoracic condition are generally going to be safe so we're going to emphasize all the things that we consider to be low risk and then talk about some of the other things next, next slide.
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