Personal Perspectives Panel: Physical Activity & Exercise
People ask about a heart rate during exercise. That's really kind of tricky because everybody's heart rate starts at a different level especially if you're on medication you might have a resting heart rate of 40 or 50 or things like that and so a target heart rate really may not be as important really. What we think and some people start with a heart rate of 90 or 100 so then to them a heart rate going 110 won't be much activity at all.
So really less than heart rate we think about how the activity level is perceived, how much effort's being undertaken and we, we certainly don't always have the right answer about that.
Importantly all the things that Dr. Shepard and I are going to talk about today are really based on our best estimates on what, what sort of things make sense, a common sense approach, a consensus and really expert opinion. There are no outcomes data where we've done studies looking at different types of exercise saying we know that this is going to be harmful and this is not going to be harmful or this is safe and this is not safe in people who have connective tissue conditions like Marfan and others. It's really based on consensus, next slide.
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