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AHA/ACC Aortic Disease Guidelines: Delivery




Hello, my name is Mary Shepard from the University of Kentucky and it is my pleasure to be here today to talk with you about delivery and people who have aortic disease.




The ACC/AHA guidelines level one evidence recommends that in pregnant patients with chronic aortic dissection that c-section be performed, however, in people who have aortic dilation but no dissection if the aortic diameter is less than 4cm a vagal delivery is recommended.




For pregnant patients who have an aortic diameter greater than 4.5 then c-section is considered to be reasonable and in pregnant patients with a diameter between 4 and 4.5 vaginal delivery that is an assisted delivery can be reasonable. An assisted delivery refers to pregnancies where that final stage of labor is assisted with a vacuum or forceps. They also make this caveat though that in women who have aortic disease that is thought to be based on a genetic syndrome or even a nonsyndromic genetic mutation or nsHTAAD with a diameter from 4 to 4.5 c-section is also a good option.




Because this is a lot of words that can be difficult to conceptualize I try to put this together in a summary graph, so as you can see here this is basically a line that's representing increasing aortic diameter for the max diameter that would be in the root or ascending aorta for a person with aortic disease.




If that person has an chronic aortic dissection then no matter the aortic diameter c-section is the recommended mode of delivery. For a person who has aortic aneurysm then the recommendations are entirely based on what that max aortic diameter is. If a person has a max aortic diameter that's less than 4 cm then vaginal delivery is recommended. If the diameter is between 4 and 4.5 cm then an assisted vaginal delivery is recommended and again that is a vaginal delivery where that final stage of labor is assisted with either a vacuum or a forceps and for people who have an aortic diameter between 4.5 or more then c-section is very reasonable.




There's only one caveat and this is that little category at the end of the guidelines really falls into this category. If someone is known to have aortic disease based on a heritable cause so that's a genetic mutation that is either syndromic or non-syndromic, if the aorta is between 4 and 4.5 the guidelines state that it would be reasonable to consider delivery via c-section. I hope that this helps clarify some of the guidelines and please tune in to hear more about postpartum care.




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