
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群における肺気腫・睡眠時無呼吸の研究 〜ECSODによる肺気腫の改善〜

Investigation of Sleep Disorders and Lung Injury in Marfan Syndrome




Now the other pathway we pursued for the airspace is what we call the oxidative stress pathway and some of you I'm sure have heard of oxidative stress because it's a term that's used very often in the lay media and what it means is that any organism that breathes oxygen basically has the risk of generating what we call oxygen radicals and these are damaging particles that are able to attack organs and cause a great deal of organ injury and the way that the body normally handles these radicals, as you see here, is that we have kind of an internal system of antioxidants that are generated in response and those dampen down the effects of these oxygen radicals as we see here. Now among these families of antioxidants are these enzymes that we call superoxide dismutases and there are three of them, two of them terms SOD1 and SOD2 are expressed within cells and so they express specific cells but a third superoxide dismutates that's called SOD3 or as we will call it in this talk ECSOD, Extracellular SOD, binds to the matrix and therefore its primary role is to protect the extracellular matrix and as most of you know, fibrillin1, the mutant protein in Marfan syndrome, is an extracellular matrix protein, so the idea we had was that is it possible that the deficient protein that we see in Marfan syndrome could lead to lung injury because it's unable to efficiently bind this antioxidant, this protector of the matrix.




And this is important because oxidative stress kind of is generated from so many different mechanisms: inflammation, smoking, ionizing radiation, which we all kind of experience when we walk around on a sunny day, air pollution or even just UV light.




And as I said before there are many health effects as demonstrated in this slide of oxidative stress that range from cardiovascular organs, neurologic organs, and as I'm interested in the respiratory organs.




Now this is kind of a complicated slide but I wanted to show this to actually show you that it's very clear that this enzyme has interactions with a number of extracellular matrix proteins that we see here and one of the predominant matrix proteins that it interacts with is fibrillin1, so this is a physical interaction between the Marfan protein and this protector against oxidative stress.




And so what we first did is that we used the mouse model of Marfan syndrome and every time you see the term C10 that is another way that we describe the Marfan mouse model we call it the C10 model model because it has a mark and mutation in a C10 site and when we look at these mice when we look at their lungs we see that there's extensive emphysemas we see here and then when we looked at a marker of oxidative stress, which is kind of an antibody marker, we see here that it's significantly elevated in the lungs of these Marfan mice.




And what we see when we look at the deposition of the ECSOD this antioxidant in the lungs of Marfan mice we see that there's a reduction when we look at one model of a Marfan mouse lung and in the model that we use, the C10 mouse, there's also a significant reduction, so this supports what we were initially thinking that there's an issue with the binding of this particular protector to the Marfan lung matrix.




And so what we wanted to do is to overexpress this enzyme and see by mass action whether we're able to reduce the oxidative stress in the lungs of these mice and by virtue of reducing the oxidative stress we're able to improve the airspace kind of enlargement and in this slide you see how we did it. We delivered a virus that had the actual kind of normal protein to the Marfan mouse lung and then we waited for four weeks and we saw a marked reduction as we see here in the oxidative stress in these lungs and importantly when we looked at the size of the airspaces the increase in airspace size that we routinely see in our Marfan mice was significantly reduced in the mice that receive the antioxidant.




And so what this showed us is that there are very high levels of oxidative stress in the Marfan mouse lung and that this matrix antioxidant, ECSOD, is reduced in the Marfan mouse lung and that the delivery of a matrix antioxidant is able to improve emphysema, so now we have another pathway, another drug that we can develop and we can focus on in order to address the emphysema and the airspace enlargement.




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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