
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群における肺気腫・睡眠時無呼吸の研究 〜PPARγ経路とロサルタン〜

Investigation of Sleep Disorders and Lung Injury in Marfan Syndrome




Now several years ago when I was working in the Dietz’s lab we showed that the enlarged airspaces in the Marfan lung was caused by developmental perturbations or abnormalities and we showed this with a mouse model of Marfan syndrome and there's been one reagent and one tool that has really helped us to understand this disorder mechanistically and in a way that we can develop new therapies. It's the ability to use mouse models and as we see here in the neonatal mice this is kind of a control mouse that does not have Marfan syndrome and this is a mouse that does and you can see these incredibly enlarged airspaces that develop very early.




The Dietz’s group went on to show that these large airspaces as well as other manifestations of Marfan syndrome are caused by abnormalities in the TGF beta signaling pathway and that a drug called losartan is able to target this signaling pathway.




And when we look at the lung manifestations using this drug in kind of a Marfan mouse model we were able to see that the emphysema that we observe kind of in these adult mice could be fully reversed when we treated these mice with losartan.




And so beyond losartan in the TGF beta pathway we've been looking at other agents that target different pathways. We've looked at the PPAR gamma pathway and I'll explain why we've done that and why our lab is very interested in that. We are looking at oxidative stress with the support of The Marfan Foundation and a grant that they awarded my lab and both of these kind of pathways seem to enable the lung to repair itself.


TGF-βのシグナル伝達経路を標的とする薬がロサルタンだということは分かりましたが、それ以外の経路を標的とするような薬についても調査を続けています。そこで我々が着目したのが、PPAR gamma経路です。理由は後ほど説明しますが、私たちの研究室はこの経路に非常に興味を持ちました。現在我々は、TMFのサポートおよびTMFから研究室への助成金を活用して、酸化ストレス経路についても研究しています。これら二つの経路とも、肺の自然修復を可能にする経路だと思われます。


Now why were we looking at the PPAR gamma and this is a little complicated but it's an important point when we think about losartan. Losartan is actually a prodrug and that means for it to be active it has to be broken down by enzymes within our bodies, within our livers actually and it generates to what we call active metabolites. Now one of these metabolites actually activates a pathway that's called the PPAR gamma pathway and we were interested in whether the activation of the PPAR gamma pathway might partially explain kind of the reparative effects that we see with losartan.




And when we looked at a mouse model of kind of Marfan syndrome and that is like the TSK mouse and we treated the mice with losartan we were able to see an increase kind of in the PPAR gamma signaling and when we actually looked at their lungs and the emphysema that we observe in these mice we were able to find that this was significantly improved in the mice that received this activator of the PPAR gamma pathway.




And so what this showed us that even though the drug levels usually are much higher in mouse studies than in patient studies this is potentially a drug that we can develop and we can test to potentially repair the airspace phenotype that we see in patients with Marfan syndrome and it also leads us down the road where we can consider whether the combination of TGF beta antagonizing drugs or inhibiting drugs might be able to be paired with PPAR gamma activating drugs in order to achieve the greatest structural benefit.




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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