Investigation of Sleep Disorders and Lung Injury in Marfan Syndrome
So I want to start with kind of a slide that I used to show that there are many lung-specific manifestations of Marfan syndrome and these range from what we see in the corner here, let me get my little laser pointer, from emphysema and blebs and pneumothorax, which many patients kind of experience, to sleep apnea, an area that I'm going to talk about a little later to deconditioning, a lung restriction that is often a consequence of scoliosis or even pecus deformities and asthma.
And the important thing that I want you to remember is that the symptoms of these kinds of lung manifestations can be kind of non-specific and maybe even subtle like range from shortness of breath to non-cardiac chest pain or even a recurrent cough that's unexplained and I want to focus on the symptoms because when you have these symptoms and your Marfan physician or cardiologist says, “Well, there's nothing going on in your echo or in the imaging that we have that explains this,” that's the point where you should involve your local pulmonologist and if they're unable to evaluate things you can always reach out to me.
Now when we think about kind of the lung compartments that are involved in Marfan syndrome I want you to think about the lungs as having what we call tubes and spheres and the tubes are what we call the airways and they move air and oxygen kind of from kind of the air that you breathe down into these really kind of tiny, tiny structures that are called alveoli and these are the structures that oxygen moves from the lung proper into the bloodstream and ultimately to all of the organs that require oxygen, which are all the organs and when this structure breaks down, the alveoli, you have what looks like an emphysematous kind of lung and that's because all these little walls are required for you to move a huge amount of oxygen into your bloodstream and so when those either don't form, which is what we see in many cases of Marfan syndrome or they're broken down, which is what we see with certain types of disorders like smoking or with aging. That's when you have a problem with shortness of breath and that's when you have a problem with enlarging of these airspaces that can ultimately cause blebs and then pneumothoraces.
Now I also wanted to show you this because when I talk to patients I typically describe kind of the emphysematous or underdeveloped alveoli as grapes and the fully developed alveoli is blackberry and so we need to make this transition between having the grape like structures to the blackberry like structures and that's how we generate a functional lung but this isn't always the case when you have smoking exposure or when you have aging and so one of the major questions I have and I'll show you how my lab is kind of pursuing this is that we want to take these underdeveloped lungs that we can see with Marfan syndrome and figure out ways to make them develop and to convert our grapes to blackberries and it's a question as to whether that can happen efficiently but we have much data in mouse models that suggest that we can actually achieve that and I also wanted to emphasize that the process that we see with Marfan syndrome is fully a developmental process and so it's not as if all of the patients who develop pneumothoraces have been exposed to smoking or are very, very elderly. This is really a function of the alveoli not having developed appropriately and that's why the airspaces are enlarged and that's why you may develop the symptoms that we described.
And these are images from patients that have Marfan syndrome and have developed kind of the consequence of emphysema as well as bleb formation leading to pneumothoraces and this is what we see a lung where you're looking straight at the patients. This is the bottom of the lungs. These are the diaphragms. This is the top of the lungs. This is the spine and as you can see these large kind of dark holes. These are what we call blebs and these are the structures that can lead to pneumothoraces or lung collapse and this is another patient who has these very, very large blebs at the bottom of the lungs also associated with pneumothoraces.
Now what do we know about emphysema in Marfan syndrome? We know that it's more common in infantile or neonatal Marfan syndrome. We also know unfortunately that this diagnosis can affect the candidacy for a variety of cardiac surgeries, so it's very important that we diagnose it and that we come up with effective treatments so that all of the therapies that should be available to our patients are put on the table. It's often diagnosed incidentally on a CT scan or in the setting of a pneumothorax and currently there are no approved therapies that can grow new lungs or alveoli and I hope that through the efforts of my lab and other labs that we'll be able to achieve that goal within the foreseeable future.
I show this slide to actually show you what these blebs look like from the inside and these are ribs on the outside of the chest wall, so we're within the chest wall and this is the lung proper and these are these blebs and I think the thing that impresses you the most is that they have these thin walls that are really transparent and you can envision that these are incredibly susceptible to any kind of trauma, any kind of insult where air is going to leak out from the lung proper and actually fill up this space around the lung.
And that's what we call a pneumothorax as is depicted here with this kind of showing the space that can develop around the lung when there's some type of a trauma, wound to the lung and this is the X-ray that shows the exact same thing.
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