COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered
Hello everyone, and we are tasked to give you as much information as you could possibly want tonight.
And the first issue is how do we create these designations of who is at high risk. I feel the best way to look at this is the realization that about 20% of persons who are infected with this virus will develop serious disease that they will require hospitalization and so when you look at that 20% number, you should recognize that those are not exclusively people who are older. They're disproportionately older but not exclusively older, so what is represented in that 20% are people who have underlying disorders that makes them less able to tolerate a more severe manifestation of this viral infection.
And so we constructed this list of lung disorders that are seen among our Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and vEDS patients that should place them in what's considered a higher risk group.
And this includes restrictive lung disease because, as I always say, when you can't take a deep breath that means you don't have as much of a reserve as someone who can take a deep breath and restriction in Marfan syndrome is often attributable to chest wall deformities or scoliosis or respiratory muscle weakness and we see all of those in Marfan syndrome and they are not uncommon.
The other disorders that place our patients at higher risk include emphysema. This is especially true when you have blebs and when you have a history of pneumothoraces that are recurrent and so a single pneumothorax does not mean that you have underlying lung disease, but if you have recurrent or multiple pneumothoraces, that is a very strong indicator that your lung tissue is not normal and that it is somewhat vulnerable.
Obviously, when you have significant asthma that requires medication and sometimes antibiotics and inhaler treatments, that, that is a risk factor, again because there's less reserve.
If you have a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with or without a history of smoking, that places one at higher risk
And if you have respiratory insufficiency of any kind and what I mean by that is if you require some respiratory support, be it oxygen, be it frequent treatment for pneumonias or if you are under the care of a lung specialist, then that also should place you in the high-risk group.
So, I hope it's clear that the idea is that an underlying disorder of the lungs that will compromise your ability to bounce back or responds efficiently to a serious viral infection is why we've designated these groups as high-risk and what does that mean in terms of management of a possible viral infection, well, it means that you have to assume a protective posture and the first person who protected is yourself, second group that you protect is your family, and the third group that you protect is your community.
And when it comes to protecting yourself that means monitoring your status. If you have a cold that is persistent with a high fever, then you need to contact your health care providers. They need to know so that they can put you in a queue to either be tested or to tell you to monitor yourself for further symptoms in order to be tested, but the idea of being in a high-risk group means that you reach out to your health care protector, your health care provider early when you have these symptoms.
The second issue is that you want to minimize your potential exposure to persons who might, in fact, have the viral infection and that means, of course, knowing your community but also not placing yourself in a high-risk situation such as with, with crowds or in groups where you're not, where you're exposed to the public and you cannot control the people that you encounter.
And the last thing is being especially careful in terms of personal hygiene. You have to have your bottles of Purell and you have to have your, your antibacterial wipes and you carry them around with you and you wipe off all the surfaces and if you need to set an alarm on your phone so that it reminds you to use these approaches every hour, then you should do that, but the main thing to think about is that you assume a protective posture of yourself, your loved ones, and your community.
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