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マインドフルネスについて 〜呼吸の役割〜

Mindfulness Series: Breathing Into Peaceful Awareness




My name is Sarah Schain. I'm a breath coach. I'm a yoga therapist and I'm a sound healer, so I use somatic techniques to teach people to build the awareness between their body and their mind. The fastest way to regulate your body is through the breath, so tonight I'm going to talk to you a little bit about the mechanics of respiration because sometimes when you understand why we're doing it we're more likely to do it and then we'll go ahead and, and practice some breathing techniques and hopefully you'll be feeling the benefits of a half an hour of guided breathing techniques and then we'll save some time at the end for your questions, so we're going to go ahead and get started and if anybody wants the presentation email to them I'm happy to share it.




Okay, tonight we're just going to do a very simple overview of breathing. When we breathe in or inhale air enters our lungs and oxygen from the air is transferred into the bloodstream through tiny blood vessels called capillaries. At the same time carbon dioxide, which is a waste product produced by the body, is removed from the bloodstream and expelled when we exhale and this process is known as a gas exchange, so two things are happening at once coming in and going out.




Oxygen-rich blood is pumped by the heart to all parts of the organs and delivering oxygen to cells and tissues. Oxygen is essential for cellular metabolism providing energy for various biomechanical processes such as ATP production, which is the primary energy currency of cells, so if we're not getting enough oxygen what you're going to feel is tired.




Breathing also plays a crucial role in regulating the pH balance of the blood. Carbon dioxide produced as a byproduct of cellular metabolism combined with water in the blood to form carbonic acid and then exhaling removes the carbon dioxide from the body helping to maintain the blood's pH within a narrow range which is essential for proper bodily function, so if we're not breathing right we're going to feel the side effects in our body.




Breathing patterns directly influence the autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and stress response. Deep, slow breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Rapid, shallow breathing can trigger the sympathetic nervous system leading to increased arousal and increased stress.




The parasympathetic nervous system is also known for rest and digest. It increases the blood flow to stomach and GI tract. Stimulation of peristalsis, urination and salivary glands. There's a decrease in heart rate and pupil normalization for shorter-range vision.




The sympathetic nervous system also known as fight or flight. The digestion and elimination stops. Blood goes to muscles and lungs as much as 12 times more, which means your body is working really hard. Your epinephrine and adrenaline goes up. Your heart rate increases and your pupils dilate for better long-distance vision.




Our bodies were built this way because in the old days we would have to fight for our food and, and run away from danger and so the sympathetic nervous system would put our body in fight or flight so we could escape the saber-toothed tiger that was chasing us but now we're activating our sympathetic nervous system when we drop our iPhone and so we're having these really big reactions to things that our body doesn't need to have a 10 alarm fire drill for and that's making us sick.




So we need to learn how to create a balance in the body using the breath, so a few tips. When we inhale it's action. We're creating strength, expansion and a sympathetic, a proper sympathetic response. When we exhale we're creating an opening, a relaxation, a contraction and creating that parasympathetic response, so we inhale for length and strength and we exhale to open and release. When we inhale think Yang, action, sun, heat, day. When we exhale think of Yin, the moon, night and cool, so we're creating the balance just by inhale and exhale equally and …




This is like a side note. It's not the most important but it's a little important because I think this is the future of healing and I believe that you're going to start to hear more and more about the vagus nerve in a lot of upcoming medical technology and healing systems, so the vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve. It's the longest of the autonomic nervous system. I like to refer to it as like the super highway in the body. It's a pair of nerves but it's referred to as the vagus nerve. The “Vagabond” nerve is little branches that go everywhere and it's largely responsible for the parasympathetic response. It controls the heart, lungs and digestive tract but it innervates every major organ in the body.




So we can breathe to activate this very important nerve. The vagus nerve passes through the opening of the diaphragm. It's stimulated by deep breathing, is also stimulated by humming and singing and when we breathe we're toning the vagal nerve, so high vagal tone responsive to environment and your ability to adapt, which means if you have a low vagal tone you're not going to respond to your environment and you will be less resilient.




Okay, this is really important. I'm sure everybody's hearing all about nose breathing and why it's so important. The nose as opposed to the mouth controls your temperature. It humidifies and purifies the air. It adds friction and controls to the breath that increases breath efficiency. It triggers neuroreceptors in your nose and sinuses that signal safety. It impacts your jaw and pallet development in children. It affects the quality and quantity of sleep and it adds nitric acid to the breath, so the trick is nose is for breathing and mouth is for eating and there's all kinds of great mouth tapes and devices to help with promote nose breathing when you sleep.




So in summary the breath affects the body through processes such as gas exchange, oxygen delivery to cells, regulation of pH balancing, balancing the autonomic nervous system and its role in emotional regulation and the mind-body connection. Understanding and practicing various breathing techniques can have a profound effect on your physical and mental health.




You can use breath work for energizing in the morning, for focusing in the afternoon and for relaxing in for bedtime.




I like to tell my clients to do what you enjoy, so by practicing a whole bunch of different breathing techniques you figure out what works for you and what do you like and do what you like. There's the counting breath, there's affirmation breath, meditative breath, body breathing, alternate nostril breathing and yoga breath work, which is called pranayama and if you google Kundalini breath work you will find a plethora of YouTube videos and guided breathing techniques that will help get you energized, focused or relaxed and last but not least humming and you don't have to be a good singer to activate your vagus nerve.




If you practice the same time every day you are more likely to A, do it, B, feel it and C, experience the benefits. It takes 21 days to create a new habit, so I challenge you to start today.




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