The Role of the Genetic Counselor - Empowerment Series - 3/14/19
So now we're back with our family tree and as you see here, with the change in shading in the father, we've done genetic testing and he's tested positive for a mutation in the FBN1 or the fibrillin gene and this gives him a genetically confirmed diagnosis of Marfan syndrome.
Because of his positive genetic testing, the father also was recommended to meet with a cardiologist for an echocardiogram and he was found to have mitral valve prolapse, so you can see with him the Marfan syndrome is indicated by the red shading and the mitral valve prolapse is indicated by the green shading. Next slide.
So once a patient learns that they carry a genetic just diagnosis like Marfan syndrome, ??? super important to review the medical management recommendations with them.
So for this father, we already recommended that he sees a cardiologist and have an echo, but we also recommend that he have his eyes evaluated by an ophthalmologist for issues like lens dislocation, which is very common in Marfan syndrome.
And then in patients who are found to have aortic enlargement, which the dad didn't have, we would also discuss specific limitations and restrictions to physical activity, which includes avoiding things like competitive contact sports as well as isometric exercises such as heavy weight lifting and things such as push-up or pull-ups.
These exercises tend to quickly increase the blood pressure, which can cause stress on the walls of the aorta, so we tend to steer our patients away from them. Next slide.
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