Insights on Ocular Management for Marfan Syndrome
This one says I have keratoconus and which I've been told is basically the opposite of a subluxed lens issue with Marfans. Is this just an unrelated eye condition or do you know of any connection to Marfan syndrome?
There is a connection. Keratoconus is has nothing to do with subluxed lens. Keratoconus, conus meaning is condition in the cornea. If you remember the cornea is like a clear cup on the very surface of your eye. Lens is inside your eye, totally different condition but it's somewhat related because cornea actually is rich in fibrillin-1 as well and the fibrillin-1 is connected to keratoconus has been shown by the genetic study, so, you know, it intuitively that makes sense. If you have Marfan syndrome the, the cornea just abnormal shape to the extreme that forms the keratoconus. If again that can be corrected by contact lenses, by glasses. We do have this called a cross-linking. This a fairly new condition specifically to treat keratoconus after you approve the condition so, you know, but again if it can be corrected by the contact lenses, glasses. You, you want to avoid, you know, any intervention if it's all possible.
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