Insights on Ocular Management for Marfan Syndrome
Now we get into some quote unquote minor problems. Those can be visually significant as well, so do keep those things in mind. Myopia meaning being nearsighted and this is the normal eye and showing here the light go through the cornea, go through the lens which is just like a focusing lens and focus the light to boom right in the middle with a sharp focal point in the retina. That's how you see, okay? but if you have a Marfan syndrome and the eyeball can be long. I think you can appreciate at least from, from this. I can appreciate that this is longer from the tip to the, to the, to the end is longer than the normal eye and the eyes, the struct, the cornea, the lens they don't focus the light as well as the normal eye, so your focus is located in the, in front of the eye rather than right in the fovea that's the part that you want to see, so that's called a myopia. You can wear glasses you can wear contact lenses you can correct this but that can being the eyeball is so stretched so long, you can get a complications.
Astigmatism. This is actually very common for in the general population. Somehow, you know, the patients come in, they think they, they get horrible condition, “I got astigmatism.” This is just exceedingly common in the, in the general population and sometimes you have a little bit astigmatism, no big deal, your brain can well compensate that. This is the normal eye again you have a sharp focal point that's what you see sharp big E, okay?
If you have astigmatism they can be from different sources. One is from cornea and showing here, this is the normal cornea and there are two meridians here here the distance is exactly the same, so that's why we say your cornea is like a basketball, is round, okay? but if you have astigmatism one meridian is longer than the other one. It's kind of like a football shape and this is more common in the Marfan patients. The cornea condition is a thinning of the cornea and the irregularity of the cornea is much more common in the Marfan patients than general population, so that's one source you get astigmatism.
Another source is called the lenticular astigmatism. That is when the light go through the pupil going through this lens, dislocated lens and going through this portion we call the aphakic portion. There's no lens to focus on the light. You really get confused. There're two big light source, they have a different focal point and you get very confused and here you're saying here that scatter the light and the end result is that's what you see the big E rather than this a sharp normal big E and you have this fuzzy looking E. You still can see but just fuzzy looking. Glasses and the contact lenses especially toric contact lens can correct this, so that's a stigmatism.
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