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マルファン症候群における眼科的管理の考察 〜緑内障〜

Insights on Ocular Management for Marfan Syndrome




Another really vicious threatening condition is glaucoma. This is again, is a schematic of the eye. Glaucoma by definition is optic nerve damage. Optic nerve is right here. It's a cable. It collects all the act, the the signals and retina receive the signal and gets collected in the optic nerve and the optic nerve goes all the way sending the signal to the brain, so nerve serves as a cable. I tell my patients that if you have the cable damage and they're not sending the signal from the eye to the brain, doesn't matter, how beautiful your eye is, how strong your brain is, your head is and you're just not seeing and retina the, the optic nerve damage unfortunately is irreversible. Once it's damaged we cannot do anything.




The typical reason you get the nerve damage is because eye pressure is too high. That is almost like a common sense. Pressure is too high, of course, you get nerve damage but there's another condition. Another reason, you get the nerve damage pressure is fine but you don't have a good blood supply called vascular etiology. Marfan patients tend to have a compromised blood circulation, so even though the pressure is normal, quote unquote normal or within the normal limit and you still can get the nerve damage.




The last reason is called biomechanical etiology. This is a blown up of the optic nerve head and you can imagine the nerve right here, this is the entire eye and the nerve going down to, to the back of the brain and the nerve has to go through this, this structure called the lamina cribrosa, which is rich in connective tissue as well. Lamina cribrosa, the axons have to go really literally penetrate the lamina cribrosa and going down back to, to the brain and this lamina cribrosa has to be healthy, has to be stable to support axons to relay the signals to each axon and if there is a problem with this connective tissue in the lamina cribrosa and the axons can get damaged and the nerve can get damaged.




So many reasons you can get glaucoma and at the end result is that the typical patients you get the shrinking of the ob, the, the visual field. You can maintain this central visual field for quite some time but gradually the visual field just get smaller and smaller and we can test this. This is a real patient of mine, showing here A, B, C, D. A is the normal visual field or near normal visual field. You can only see one black spot that is actually is where the optic nerve head is located. It's a blind spot. This, this, everyone has a blind spot. If you have normal eye when we do the testing, the visual field testing you really shouldn't see one black spot on the visual field but this as time goes on you can see this patient got a little bit deeper the loss of the the visual field the, the black color got even deeper and got even to this stage. This is a very advanced glaucoma.




This one, unfortunately some patients even with this visual field defect they can preserve this central vision for a long time. They have no complaint whatsoever. The eye pressure is a little bit high but they don't feel it, okay? You lose the visual field. You don't know it, especially if you have the other eye is perfectly normal or near normal can compensate this loss. Typical day to day you keep your both eyes open, so you have no idea you lose visual field until the quite advanced stage and we catch those patients unfortunately often time is at this stage, so that's something that that's what we call glaucoma is a silent thief really steals the optic nerve without warning the patients, so that's something you need to keep in mind. This is what you see, again, you can preserve your central vision for a long time and without knowing what you have lost.




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