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Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit




Just I guess thoughts on ways to manage chronic pain in LDS at different ages and I think particularly as people age and, and start getting into arthritis and things like that as well.



You want to take that one, Bart? 



Yeah, well, I, I try to especially in the young children to, to motivate them to start doing the right exercises and the right type of exercises at a young age in order to reinforce the muscles that might compensate for some of the laxity that's present in the joints and by laxity they might have increased frequency of joint damage later on in life. 



So one of the things that we almost always recommend start doing at young ages is swimming because during swimming you do reinforce your muscles and you don't put too much pressure on, on your joints so that's trying to work in a preventive way. 



Similarly when they do running we try to stimulate to do that running on a rather soft surface rather than on a hard court. 



So I think if the diagnosis is made early on trying to, to try to do the right exercises on in the right circumstances might prevent a lot of the joint issues and pain issues later on in life. 



I think later on in life it can be, it can be challenging and usually it is a combination of doing additional physical therapy, pain medication, additional joint support things like, how do you call them, splints that help to, to manage daily life activities.



Yeah, I'm, I, I think it's important for people to have their experiences with pain validated by the people who are caring for them. You know, in connective tissue disorders in general pain can be a prominent issue, sometimes in fact often there's no obvious overt reason for the pain but you have to make sure that you're working with a doctor that is not dismissive of your experience of pain. 



Every effort should be made to get to the bottom of why pain is present, you know, there are lots of reasons for back pain including disc problems, including other bone problems, including dural ectasia, which can cause impingement on nerves in the spine.



So, you know, everything should be done to try to understand why someone has pain and to see if there's something that can be done about it. 



With regard to interventions my general recommendation is not to rush to surgery, to try all the kinds of interventions that Bart was mentioning to see if something can be, some intervention can be found that provides relief.



But sometimes surgery is needed. Make sure you're seeing someone who's experienced with that problem and with that surgery in connective tissue disorders that can be challenging because sometimes the surgical approach is different or the expectations for recovery are different. 



With pain medications try to use the mildest and least frequent medications that work for you. Again don't jump directly to opioids, for example, that have their own obvious sets of problems.



We do now often turn to colleagues that are pain specialists to help  come up with the best program that, you know, can include sometimes medications plus physical therapy plus biofeedback plus a number of other potential alternative modalities that can be helpful.



So, you know, my bottom line is don't just decide that you need to live with pain, don't settle for doctors that are dismissive of your pain and, you know, be open-minded about the types of things that might help you get to a better place. 



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