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ロイス・ディーツ症候群と生きる ~MFS・SGS・LDS比較表~

Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit



Hal made this, a very nice comparative table. We will not go into all the details. I will just point at the main differences.



So in red we've indicated findings that you almost never see in this condition, in green you see findings that are very commonly seen in this condition and then the yellow is kind of in, in between. It is present to some extent but but not very typical.




So there you can see that ectopia lentis is a finding that's uniquely present in Marfan syndrome that we do not observe in any of the subtypes of LDS nor do we see it in Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome.



When we move more to the second half of the table. There you can see that craniosynostosis as I mentioned is something that is common in most of the LDS subtypes, also typical in Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome but absence in in Marfan syndrome.



And the same can be said with regards to the cervical spine instability, which has been observed in most of the types of LDS but not in Marfan syndrome.



When a child presents with developmental delay the first diagnosis is probably Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome to think about.



And then at the bottom you can see many more of the characteristics that we talked about that are definitely more typical of LDS and absence from Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome and Marfan syndrome and we can talk more about it these during the Q&A.



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